
1428 lines
38 KiB

// Copyright 2021-2023 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package nats
import (
// ObjectStoreManager creates, loads and deletes Object Stores
type ObjectStoreManager interface {
// ObjectStore will look up and bind to an existing object store instance.
ObjectStore(bucket string) (ObjectStore, error)
// CreateObjectStore will create an object store.
CreateObjectStore(cfg *ObjectStoreConfig) (ObjectStore, error)
// DeleteObjectStore will delete the underlying stream for the named object.
DeleteObjectStore(bucket string) error
// ObjectStoreNames is used to retrieve a list of bucket names
ObjectStoreNames(opts ...ObjectOpt) <-chan string
// ObjectStores is used to retrieve a list of bucket statuses
ObjectStores(opts ...ObjectOpt) <-chan ObjectStoreStatus
// ObjectStore is a blob store capable of storing large objects efficiently in
// JetStream streams
type ObjectStore interface {
// Put will place the contents from the reader into a new object.
Put(obj *ObjectMeta, reader io.Reader, opts ...ObjectOpt) (*ObjectInfo, error)
// Get will pull the named object from the object store.
Get(name string, opts ...GetObjectOpt) (ObjectResult, error)
// PutBytes is convenience function to put a byte slice into this object store.
PutBytes(name string, data []byte, opts ...ObjectOpt) (*ObjectInfo, error)
// GetBytes is a convenience function to pull an object from this object store and return it as a byte slice.
GetBytes(name string, opts ...GetObjectOpt) ([]byte, error)
// PutString is convenience function to put a string into this object store.
PutString(name string, data string, opts ...ObjectOpt) (*ObjectInfo, error)
// GetString is a convenience function to pull an object from this object store and return it as a string.
GetString(name string, opts ...GetObjectOpt) (string, error)
// PutFile is convenience function to put a file into this object store.
PutFile(file string, opts ...ObjectOpt) (*ObjectInfo, error)
// GetFile is a convenience function to pull an object from this object store and place it in a file.
GetFile(name, file string, opts ...GetObjectOpt) error
// GetInfo will retrieve the current information for the object.
GetInfo(name string, opts ...GetObjectInfoOpt) (*ObjectInfo, error)
// UpdateMeta will update the metadata for the object.
UpdateMeta(name string, meta *ObjectMeta) error
// Delete will delete the named object.
Delete(name string) error
// AddLink will add a link to another object.
AddLink(name string, obj *ObjectInfo) (*ObjectInfo, error)
// AddBucketLink will add a link to another object store.
AddBucketLink(name string, bucket ObjectStore) (*ObjectInfo, error)
// Seal will seal the object store, no further modifications will be allowed.
Seal() error
// Watch for changes in the underlying store and receive meta information updates.
Watch(opts ...WatchOpt) (ObjectWatcher, error)
// List will list all the objects in this store.
List(opts ...ListObjectsOpt) ([]*ObjectInfo, error)
// Status retrieves run-time status about the backing store of the bucket.
Status() (ObjectStoreStatus, error)
type ObjectOpt interface {
configureObject(opts *objOpts) error
type objOpts struct {
ctx context.Context
// For nats.Context() support.
func (ctx ContextOpt) configureObject(opts *objOpts) error {
opts.ctx = ctx
return nil
// ObjectWatcher is what is returned when doing a watch.
type ObjectWatcher interface {
// Updates returns a channel to read any updates to entries.
Updates() <-chan *ObjectInfo
// Stop will stop this watcher.
Stop() error
var (
ErrObjectConfigRequired = errors.New("nats: object-store config required")
ErrBadObjectMeta = errors.New("nats: object-store meta information invalid")
ErrObjectNotFound = errors.New("nats: object not found")
ErrInvalidStoreName = errors.New("nats: invalid object-store name")
ErrDigestMismatch = errors.New("nats: received a corrupt object, digests do not match")
ErrInvalidDigestFormat = errors.New("nats: object digest hash has invalid format")
ErrNoObjectsFound = errors.New("nats: no objects found")
ErrObjectAlreadyExists = errors.New("nats: an object already exists with that name")
ErrNameRequired = errors.New("nats: name is required")
ErrNeeds262 = errors.New("nats: object-store requires at least server version 2.6.2")
ErrLinkNotAllowed = errors.New("nats: link cannot be set when putting the object in bucket")
ErrObjectRequired = errors.New("nats: object required")
ErrNoLinkToDeleted = errors.New("nats: not allowed to link to a deleted object")
ErrNoLinkToLink = errors.New("nats: not allowed to link to another link")
ErrCantGetBucket = errors.New("nats: invalid Get, object is a link to a bucket")
ErrBucketRequired = errors.New("nats: bucket required")
ErrBucketMalformed = errors.New("nats: bucket malformed")
ErrUpdateMetaDeleted = errors.New("nats: cannot update meta for a deleted object")
// ObjectStoreConfig is the config for the object store.
type ObjectStoreConfig struct {
Bucket string `json:"bucket"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
TTL time.Duration `json:"max_age,omitempty"`
MaxBytes int64 `json:"max_bytes,omitempty"`
Storage StorageType `json:"storage,omitempty"`
Replicas int `json:"num_replicas,omitempty"`
Placement *Placement `json:"placement,omitempty"`
// Bucket-specific metadata
// NOTE: Metadata requires nats-server v2.10.0+
Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
// Enable underlying stream compression.
// NOTE: Compression is supported for nats-server 2.10.0+
Compression bool `json:"compression,omitempty"`
type ObjectStoreStatus interface {
// Bucket is the name of the bucket
Bucket() string
// Description is the description supplied when creating the bucket
Description() string
// TTL indicates how long objects are kept in the bucket
TTL() time.Duration
// Storage indicates the underlying JetStream storage technology used to store data
Storage() StorageType
// Replicas indicates how many storage replicas are kept for the data in the bucket
Replicas() int
// Sealed indicates the stream is sealed and cannot be modified in any way
Sealed() bool
// Size is the combined size of all data in the bucket including metadata, in bytes
Size() uint64
// BackingStore provides details about the underlying storage
BackingStore() string
// Metadata is the user supplied metadata for the bucket
Metadata() map[string]string
// IsCompressed indicates if the data is compressed on disk
IsCompressed() bool
// ObjectMetaOptions
type ObjectMetaOptions struct {
Link *ObjectLink `json:"link,omitempty"`
ChunkSize uint32 `json:"max_chunk_size,omitempty"`
// ObjectMeta is high level information about an object.
type ObjectMeta struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
Headers Header `json:"headers,omitempty"`
Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
// Optional options.
Opts *ObjectMetaOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
// ObjectInfo is meta plus instance information.
type ObjectInfo struct {
Bucket string `json:"bucket"`
NUID string `json:"nuid"`
Size uint64 `json:"size"`
ModTime time.Time `json:"mtime"`
Chunks uint32 `json:"chunks"`
Digest string `json:"digest,omitempty"`
Deleted bool `json:"deleted,omitempty"`
// ObjectLink is used to embed links to other buckets and objects.
type ObjectLink struct {
// Bucket is the name of the other object store.
Bucket string `json:"bucket"`
// Name can be used to link to a single object.
// If empty means this is a link to the whole store, like a directory.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// ObjectResult will return the underlying stream info and also be an io.ReadCloser.
type ObjectResult interface {
Info() (*ObjectInfo, error)
Error() error
const (
objNameTmpl = "OBJ_%s" // OBJ_<bucket> // stream name
objAllChunksPreTmpl = "$O.%s.C.>" // $O.<bucket>.C.> // chunk stream subject
objAllMetaPreTmpl = "$O.%s.M.>" // $O.<bucket>.M.> // meta stream subject
objChunksPreTmpl = "$O.%s.C.%s" // $O.<bucket>.C.<object-nuid> // chunk message subject
objMetaPreTmpl = "$O.%s.M.%s" // $O.<bucket>.M.<name-encoded> // meta message subject
objNoPending = "0"
objDefaultChunkSize = uint32(128 * 1024) // 128k
objDigestType = "SHA-256="
objDigestTmpl = objDigestType + "%s"
type obs struct {
name string
stream string
js *js
// CreateObjectStore will create an object store.
func (js *js) CreateObjectStore(cfg *ObjectStoreConfig) (ObjectStore, error) {
if !js.nc.serverMinVersion(2, 6, 2) {
return nil, ErrNeeds262
if cfg == nil {
return nil, ErrObjectConfigRequired
if !validBucketRe.MatchString(cfg.Bucket) {
return nil, ErrInvalidStoreName
name := cfg.Bucket
chunks := fmt.Sprintf(objAllChunksPreTmpl, name)
meta := fmt.Sprintf(objAllMetaPreTmpl, name)
// We will set explicitly some values so that we can do comparison
// if we get an "already in use" error and need to check if it is same.
// See kv
replicas := cfg.Replicas
if replicas == 0 {
replicas = 1
maxBytes := cfg.MaxBytes
if maxBytes == 0 {
maxBytes = -1
var compression StoreCompression
if cfg.Compression {
compression = S2Compression
scfg := &StreamConfig{
Name: fmt.Sprintf(objNameTmpl, name),
Description: cfg.Description,
Subjects: []string{chunks, meta},
MaxAge: cfg.TTL,
MaxBytes: maxBytes,
Storage: cfg.Storage,
Replicas: replicas,
Placement: cfg.Placement,
Discard: DiscardNew,
AllowRollup: true,
AllowDirect: true,
Metadata: cfg.Metadata,
Compression: compression,
// Create our stream.
_, err := js.AddStream(scfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &obs{name: name, stream: scfg.Name, js: js}, nil
// ObjectStore will look up and bind to an existing object store instance.
func (js *js) ObjectStore(bucket string) (ObjectStore, error) {
if !validBucketRe.MatchString(bucket) {
return nil, ErrInvalidStoreName
if !js.nc.serverMinVersion(2, 6, 2) {
return nil, ErrNeeds262
stream := fmt.Sprintf(objNameTmpl, bucket)
si, err := js.StreamInfo(stream)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &obs{name: bucket, stream: si.Config.Name, js: js}, nil
// DeleteObjectStore will delete the underlying stream for the named object.
func (js *js) DeleteObjectStore(bucket string) error {
stream := fmt.Sprintf(objNameTmpl, bucket)
return js.DeleteStream(stream)
func encodeName(name string) string {
return base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(name))
// Put will place the contents from the reader into this object-store.
func (obs *obs) Put(meta *ObjectMeta, r io.Reader, opts ...ObjectOpt) (*ObjectInfo, error) {
if meta == nil || meta.Name == "" {
return nil, ErrBadObjectMeta
if meta.Opts == nil {
meta.Opts = &ObjectMetaOptions{ChunkSize: objDefaultChunkSize}
} else if meta.Opts.Link != nil {
return nil, ErrLinkNotAllowed
} else if meta.Opts.ChunkSize == 0 {
meta.Opts.ChunkSize = objDefaultChunkSize
var o objOpts
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt != nil {
if err := opt.configureObject(&o); err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx := o.ctx
// Create the new nuid so chunks go on a new subject if the name is re-used
newnuid := nuid.Next()
// These will be used in more than one place
chunkSubj := fmt.Sprintf(objChunksPreTmpl, obs.name, newnuid)
// Grab existing meta info (einfo). Ok to be found or not found, any other error is a problem
// Chunks on the old nuid can be cleaned up at the end
einfo, err := obs.GetInfo(meta.Name, GetObjectInfoShowDeleted()) // GetInfo will encode the name
if err != nil && err != ErrObjectNotFound {
return nil, err
// For async error handling
var perr error
var mu sync.Mutex
setErr := func(err error) {
defer mu.Unlock()
perr = err
getErr := func() error {
defer mu.Unlock()
return perr
// Create our own JS context to handle errors etc.
jetStream, err := obs.js.nc.JetStream(PublishAsyncErrHandler(func(js JetStream, _ *Msg, err error) { setErr(err) }))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer jetStream.(*js).cleanupReplySub()
purgePartial := func() error {
// wait until all pubs are complete or up to default timeout before attempting purge
select {
case <-jetStream.PublishAsyncComplete():
case <-time.After(obs.js.opts.wait):
if err := obs.js.purgeStream(obs.stream, &StreamPurgeRequest{Subject: chunkSubj}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not cleanup bucket after erroneous put operation: %w", err)
return nil
m, h := NewMsg(chunkSubj), sha256.New()
chunk, sent, total := make([]byte, meta.Opts.ChunkSize), 0, uint64(0)
// set up the info object. The chunk upload sets the size and digest
info := &ObjectInfo{Bucket: obs.name, NUID: newnuid, ObjectMeta: *meta}
for r != nil {
if ctx != nil {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if ctx.Err() == context.Canceled {
err = ctx.Err()
} else {
err = ErrTimeout
if err != nil {
if purgeErr := purgePartial(); purgeErr != nil {
return nil, errors.Join(err, purgeErr)
return nil, err
// Actual read.
// TODO(dlc) - Deadline?
n, readErr := r.Read(chunk)
// Handle all non EOF errors
if readErr != nil && readErr != io.EOF {
if purgeErr := purgePartial(); purgeErr != nil {
return nil, errors.Join(readErr, purgeErr)
return nil, readErr
// Add chunk only if we received data
if n > 0 {
// Chunk processing.
m.Data = chunk[:n]
// Send msg itself.
if _, err := jetStream.PublishMsgAsync(m); err != nil {
if purgeErr := purgePartial(); purgeErr != nil {
return nil, errors.Join(err, purgeErr)
return nil, err
if err := getErr(); err != nil {
if purgeErr := purgePartial(); purgeErr != nil {
return nil, errors.Join(err, purgeErr)
return nil, err
// Update totals.
total += uint64(n)
// EOF Processing.
if readErr == io.EOF {
// Place meta info.
info.Size, info.Chunks = uint64(total), uint32(sent)
info.Digest = GetObjectDigestValue(h)
// Prepare the meta message
metaSubj := fmt.Sprintf(objMetaPreTmpl, obs.name, encodeName(meta.Name))
mm := NewMsg(metaSubj)
mm.Header.Set(MsgRollup, MsgRollupSubject)
mm.Data, err = json.Marshal(info)
if err != nil {
if r != nil {
if purgeErr := purgePartial(); purgeErr != nil {
return nil, errors.Join(err, purgeErr)
return nil, err
// Publish the meta message.
_, err = jetStream.PublishMsgAsync(mm)
if err != nil {
if r != nil {
if purgeErr := purgePartial(); purgeErr != nil {
return nil, errors.Join(err, purgeErr)
return nil, err
// Wait for all to be processed.
select {
case <-jetStream.PublishAsyncComplete():
if err := getErr(); err != nil {
if r != nil {
if purgeErr := purgePartial(); purgeErr != nil {
return nil, errors.Join(err, purgeErr)
return nil, err
case <-time.After(obs.js.opts.wait):
return nil, ErrTimeout
info.ModTime = time.Now().UTC() // This time is not actually the correct time
// Delete any original chunks.
if einfo != nil && !einfo.Deleted {
echunkSubj := fmt.Sprintf(objChunksPreTmpl, obs.name, einfo.NUID)
if err := obs.js.purgeStream(obs.stream, &StreamPurgeRequest{Subject: echunkSubj}); err != nil {
return info, err
// TODO would it be okay to do this to return the info with the correct time?
// With the understanding that it is an extra call to the server.
// Otherwise the time the user gets back is the client time, not the server time.
// return obs.GetInfo(info.Name)
return info, nil
// GetObjectDigestValue calculates the base64 value of hashed data
func GetObjectDigestValue(data hash.Hash) string {
sha := data.Sum(nil)
return fmt.Sprintf(objDigestTmpl, base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(sha[:]))
// DecodeObjectDigest decodes base64 hash
func DecodeObjectDigest(data string) ([]byte, error) {
digest := strings.SplitN(data, "=", 2)
if len(digest) != 2 {
return nil, ErrInvalidDigestFormat
return base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(digest[1])
// ObjectResult impl.
type objResult struct {
info *ObjectInfo
r io.ReadCloser
err error
ctx context.Context
digest hash.Hash
readTimeout time.Duration
func (info *ObjectInfo) isLink() bool {
return info.ObjectMeta.Opts != nil && info.ObjectMeta.Opts.Link != nil
type GetObjectOpt interface {
configureGetObject(opts *getObjectOpts) error
type getObjectOpts struct {
ctx context.Context
// Include deleted object in the result.
showDeleted bool
type getObjectFn func(opts *getObjectOpts) error
func (opt getObjectFn) configureGetObject(opts *getObjectOpts) error {
return opt(opts)
// GetObjectShowDeleted makes Get() return object if it was marked as deleted.
func GetObjectShowDeleted() GetObjectOpt {
return getObjectFn(func(opts *getObjectOpts) error {
opts.showDeleted = true
return nil
// For nats.Context() support.
func (ctx ContextOpt) configureGetObject(opts *getObjectOpts) error {
opts.ctx = ctx
return nil
// Get will pull the object from the underlying stream.
func (obs *obs) Get(name string, opts ...GetObjectOpt) (ObjectResult, error) {
var o getObjectOpts
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt != nil {
if err := opt.configureGetObject(&o); err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx := o.ctx
infoOpts := make([]GetObjectInfoOpt, 0)
if ctx != nil {
infoOpts = append(infoOpts, Context(ctx))
if o.showDeleted {
infoOpts = append(infoOpts, GetObjectInfoShowDeleted())
// Grab meta info.
info, err := obs.GetInfo(name, infoOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if info.NUID == _EMPTY_ {
return nil, ErrBadObjectMeta
// Check for object links. If single objects we do a pass through.
if info.isLink() {
if info.ObjectMeta.Opts.Link.Name == _EMPTY_ {
return nil, ErrCantGetBucket
// is the link in the same bucket?
lbuck := info.ObjectMeta.Opts.Link.Bucket
if lbuck == obs.name {
return obs.Get(info.ObjectMeta.Opts.Link.Name)
// different bucket
lobs, err := obs.js.ObjectStore(lbuck)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return lobs.Get(info.ObjectMeta.Opts.Link.Name)
result := &objResult{info: info, ctx: ctx, readTimeout: obs.js.opts.wait}
if info.Size == 0 {
return result, nil
pr, pw := net.Pipe()
result.r = pr
gotErr := func(m *Msg, err error) {
// For calculating sum256
result.digest = sha256.New()
processChunk := func(m *Msg) {
var err error
if ctx != nil {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if errors.Is(ctx.Err(), context.Canceled) {
err = ctx.Err()
} else {
err = ErrTimeout
if err != nil {
gotErr(m, err)
tokens, err := parser.GetMetadataFields(m.Reply)
if err != nil {
gotErr(m, err)
// Write to our pipe.
for b := m.Data; len(b) > 0; {
n, err := pw.Write(b)
if err != nil {
gotErr(m, err)
b = b[n:]
// Update sha256
// Check if we are done.
if tokens[parser.AckNumPendingTokenPos] == objNoPending {
chunkSubj := fmt.Sprintf(objChunksPreTmpl, obs.name, info.NUID)
streamName := fmt.Sprintf(objNameTmpl, obs.name)
subscribeOpts := []SubOpt{
_, err = obs.js.Subscribe(chunkSubj, processChunk, subscribeOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
// Delete will delete the object.
func (obs *obs) Delete(name string) error {
// Grab meta info.
info, err := obs.GetInfo(name, GetObjectInfoShowDeleted())
if err != nil {
return err
if info.NUID == _EMPTY_ {
return ErrBadObjectMeta
// Place a rollup delete marker and publish the info
info.Deleted = true
info.Size, info.Chunks, info.Digest = 0, 0, _EMPTY_
if err = publishMeta(info, obs.js); err != nil {
return err
// Purge chunks for the object.
chunkSubj := fmt.Sprintf(objChunksPreTmpl, obs.name, info.NUID)
return obs.js.purgeStream(obs.stream, &StreamPurgeRequest{Subject: chunkSubj})
func publishMeta(info *ObjectInfo, js JetStreamContext) error {
// marshal the object into json, don't store an actual time
info.ModTime = time.Time{}
data, err := json.Marshal(info)
if err != nil {
return err
// Prepare and publish the message.
mm := NewMsg(fmt.Sprintf(objMetaPreTmpl, info.Bucket, encodeName(info.ObjectMeta.Name)))
mm.Header.Set(MsgRollup, MsgRollupSubject)
mm.Data = data
if _, err := js.PublishMsg(mm); err != nil {
return err
// set the ModTime in case it's returned to the user, even though it's not the correct time.
info.ModTime = time.Now().UTC()
return nil
// AddLink will add a link to another object if it's not deleted and not another link
// name is the name of this link object
// obj is what is being linked too
func (obs *obs) AddLink(name string, obj *ObjectInfo) (*ObjectInfo, error) {
if name == "" {
return nil, ErrNameRequired
// TODO Handle stale info
if obj == nil || obj.Name == "" {
return nil, ErrObjectRequired
if obj.Deleted {
return nil, ErrNoLinkToDeleted
if obj.isLink() {
return nil, ErrNoLinkToLink
// If object with link's name is found, error.
// If link with link's name is found, that's okay to overwrite.
// If there was an error that was not ErrObjectNotFound, error.
einfo, err := obs.GetInfo(name, GetObjectInfoShowDeleted())
if einfo != nil {
if !einfo.isLink() {
return nil, ErrObjectAlreadyExists
} else if err != ErrObjectNotFound {
return nil, err
// create the meta for the link
meta := &ObjectMeta{
Name: name,
Opts: &ObjectMetaOptions{Link: &ObjectLink{Bucket: obj.Bucket, Name: obj.Name}},
info := &ObjectInfo{Bucket: obs.name, NUID: nuid.Next(), ModTime: time.Now().UTC(), ObjectMeta: *meta}
// put the link object
if err = publishMeta(info, obs.js); err != nil {
return nil, err
return info, nil
// AddBucketLink will add a link to another object store.
func (ob *obs) AddBucketLink(name string, bucket ObjectStore) (*ObjectInfo, error) {
if name == "" {
return nil, ErrNameRequired
if bucket == nil {
return nil, ErrBucketRequired
bos, ok := bucket.(*obs)
if !ok {
return nil, ErrBucketMalformed
// If object with link's name is found, error.
// If link with link's name is found, that's okay to overwrite.
// If there was an error that was not ErrObjectNotFound, error.
einfo, err := ob.GetInfo(name, GetObjectInfoShowDeleted())
if einfo != nil {
if !einfo.isLink() {
return nil, ErrObjectAlreadyExists
} else if err != ErrObjectNotFound {
return nil, err
// create the meta for the link
meta := &ObjectMeta{
Name: name,
Opts: &ObjectMetaOptions{Link: &ObjectLink{Bucket: bos.name}},
info := &ObjectInfo{Bucket: ob.name, NUID: nuid.Next(), ObjectMeta: *meta}
// put the link object
err = publishMeta(info, ob.js)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return info, nil
// PutBytes is convenience function to put a byte slice into this object store.
func (obs *obs) PutBytes(name string, data []byte, opts ...ObjectOpt) (*ObjectInfo, error) {
return obs.Put(&ObjectMeta{Name: name}, bytes.NewReader(data), opts...)
// GetBytes is a convenience function to pull an object from this object store and return it as a byte slice.
func (obs *obs) GetBytes(name string, opts ...GetObjectOpt) ([]byte, error) {
result, err := obs.Get(name, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer result.Close()
var b bytes.Buffer
if _, err := b.ReadFrom(result); err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.Bytes(), nil
// PutString is convenience function to put a string into this object store.
func (obs *obs) PutString(name string, data string, opts ...ObjectOpt) (*ObjectInfo, error) {
return obs.Put(&ObjectMeta{Name: name}, strings.NewReader(data), opts...)
// GetString is a convenience function to pull an object from this object store and return it as a string.
func (obs *obs) GetString(name string, opts ...GetObjectOpt) (string, error) {
result, err := obs.Get(name, opts...)
if err != nil {
return _EMPTY_, err
defer result.Close()
var b bytes.Buffer
if _, err := b.ReadFrom(result); err != nil {
return _EMPTY_, err
return b.String(), nil
// PutFile is convenience function to put a file into an object store.
func (obs *obs) PutFile(file string, opts ...ObjectOpt) (*ObjectInfo, error) {
f, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
return obs.Put(&ObjectMeta{Name: file}, f, opts...)
// GetFile is a convenience function to pull and object and place in a file.
func (obs *obs) GetFile(name, file string, opts ...GetObjectOpt) error {
// Expect file to be new.
f, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0600)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
result, err := obs.Get(name, opts...)
if err != nil {
return err
defer result.Close()
// Stream copy to the file.
_, err = io.Copy(f, result)
return err
type GetObjectInfoOpt interface {
configureGetInfo(opts *getObjectInfoOpts) error
type getObjectInfoOpts struct {
ctx context.Context
// Include deleted object in the result.
showDeleted bool
type getObjectInfoFn func(opts *getObjectInfoOpts) error
func (opt getObjectInfoFn) configureGetInfo(opts *getObjectInfoOpts) error {
return opt(opts)
// GetObjectInfoShowDeleted makes GetInfo() return object if it was marked as deleted.
func GetObjectInfoShowDeleted() GetObjectInfoOpt {
return getObjectInfoFn(func(opts *getObjectInfoOpts) error {
opts.showDeleted = true
return nil
// For nats.Context() support.
func (ctx ContextOpt) configureGetInfo(opts *getObjectInfoOpts) error {
opts.ctx = ctx
return nil
// GetInfo will retrieve the current information for the object.
func (obs *obs) GetInfo(name string, opts ...GetObjectInfoOpt) (*ObjectInfo, error) {
// Grab last meta value we have.
if name == "" {
return nil, ErrNameRequired
var o getObjectInfoOpts
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt != nil {
if err := opt.configureGetInfo(&o); err != nil {
return nil, err
metaSubj := fmt.Sprintf(objMetaPreTmpl, obs.name, encodeName(name)) // used as data in a JS API call
stream := fmt.Sprintf(objNameTmpl, obs.name)
m, err := obs.js.GetLastMsg(stream, metaSubj)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ErrMsgNotFound) {
err = ErrObjectNotFound
return nil, err
var info ObjectInfo
if err := json.Unmarshal(m.Data, &info); err != nil {
return nil, ErrBadObjectMeta
if !o.showDeleted && info.Deleted {
return nil, ErrObjectNotFound
info.ModTime = m.Time
return &info, nil
// UpdateMeta will update the meta for the object.
func (obs *obs) UpdateMeta(name string, meta *ObjectMeta) error {
if meta == nil {
return ErrBadObjectMeta
// Grab the current meta.
info, err := obs.GetInfo(name)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ErrObjectNotFound) {
return ErrUpdateMetaDeleted
return err
// If the new name is different from the old, and it exists, error
// If there was an error that was not ErrObjectNotFound, error.
if name != meta.Name {
existingInfo, err := obs.GetInfo(meta.Name, GetObjectInfoShowDeleted())
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, ErrObjectNotFound) {
return err
if err == nil && !existingInfo.Deleted {
return ErrObjectAlreadyExists
// Update Meta prevents update of ObjectMetaOptions (Link, ChunkSize)
// These should only be updated internally when appropriate.
info.Name = meta.Name
info.Description = meta.Description
info.Headers = meta.Headers
info.Metadata = meta.Metadata
// Prepare the meta message
if err = publishMeta(info, obs.js); err != nil {
return err
// did the name of this object change? We just stored the meta under the new name
// so delete the meta from the old name via purge stream for subject
if name != meta.Name {
metaSubj := fmt.Sprintf(objMetaPreTmpl, obs.name, encodeName(name))
return obs.js.purgeStream(obs.stream, &StreamPurgeRequest{Subject: metaSubj})
return nil
// Seal will seal the object store, no further modifications will be allowed.
func (obs *obs) Seal() error {
stream := fmt.Sprintf(objNameTmpl, obs.name)
si, err := obs.js.StreamInfo(stream)
if err != nil {
return err
// Seal the stream from being able to take on more messages.
cfg := si.Config
cfg.Sealed = true
_, err = obs.js.UpdateStream(&cfg)
return err
// Implementation for Watch
type objWatcher struct {
updates chan *ObjectInfo
sub *Subscription
// Updates returns the interior channel.
func (w *objWatcher) Updates() <-chan *ObjectInfo {
if w == nil {
return nil
return w.updates
// Stop will unsubscribe from the watcher.
func (w *objWatcher) Stop() error {
if w == nil {
return nil
return w.sub.Unsubscribe()
// Watch for changes in the underlying store and receive meta information updates.
func (obs *obs) Watch(opts ...WatchOpt) (ObjectWatcher, error) {
var o watchOpts
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt != nil {
if err := opt.configureWatcher(&o); err != nil {
return nil, err
var initDoneMarker bool
w := &objWatcher{updates: make(chan *ObjectInfo, 32)}
update := func(m *Msg) {
var info ObjectInfo
if err := json.Unmarshal(m.Data, &info); err != nil {
return // TODO(dlc) - Communicate this upwards?
meta, err := m.Metadata()
if err != nil {
if !o.ignoreDeletes || !info.Deleted {
info.ModTime = meta.Timestamp
w.updates <- &info
// if UpdatesOnly is set, no not send nil to the channel
// as it would always be triggered after initializing the watcher
if !initDoneMarker && meta.NumPending == 0 {
initDoneMarker = true
w.updates <- nil
allMeta := fmt.Sprintf(objAllMetaPreTmpl, obs.name)
_, err := obs.js.GetLastMsg(obs.stream, allMeta)
// if there are no messages on the stream and we are not watching
// updates only, send nil to the channel to indicate that the initial
// watch is done
if !o.updatesOnly {
if errors.Is(err, ErrMsgNotFound) {
initDoneMarker = true
w.updates <- nil
} else {
// if UpdatesOnly was used, mark initialization as complete
initDoneMarker = true
// Used ordered consumer to deliver results.
streamName := fmt.Sprintf(objNameTmpl, obs.name)
subOpts := []SubOpt{OrderedConsumer(), BindStream(streamName)}
if !o.includeHistory {
subOpts = append(subOpts, DeliverLastPerSubject())
if o.updatesOnly {
subOpts = append(subOpts, DeliverNew())
sub, err := obs.js.Subscribe(allMeta, update, subOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
w.sub = sub
return w, nil
type ListObjectsOpt interface {
configureListObjects(opts *listObjectOpts) error
type listObjectOpts struct {
ctx context.Context
// Include deleted objects in the result channel.
showDeleted bool
type listObjectsFn func(opts *listObjectOpts) error
func (opt listObjectsFn) configureListObjects(opts *listObjectOpts) error {
return opt(opts)
// ListObjectsShowDeleted makes ListObjects() return deleted objects.
func ListObjectsShowDeleted() ListObjectsOpt {
return listObjectsFn(func(opts *listObjectOpts) error {
opts.showDeleted = true
return nil
// For nats.Context() support.
func (ctx ContextOpt) configureListObjects(opts *listObjectOpts) error {
opts.ctx = ctx
return nil
// List will list all the objects in this store.
func (obs *obs) List(opts ...ListObjectsOpt) ([]*ObjectInfo, error) {
var o listObjectOpts
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt != nil {
if err := opt.configureListObjects(&o); err != nil {
return nil, err
watchOpts := make([]WatchOpt, 0)
if !o.showDeleted {
watchOpts = append(watchOpts, IgnoreDeletes())
watcher, err := obs.Watch(watchOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer watcher.Stop()
if o.ctx == nil {
o.ctx = context.Background()
var objs []*ObjectInfo
updates := watcher.Updates()
for {
select {
case entry := <-updates:
if entry == nil {
break Updates
objs = append(objs, entry)
case <-o.ctx.Done():
return nil, o.ctx.Err()
if len(objs) == 0 {
return nil, ErrNoObjectsFound
return objs, nil
// ObjectBucketStatus represents status of a Bucket, implements ObjectStoreStatus
type ObjectBucketStatus struct {
nfo *StreamInfo
bucket string
// Bucket is the name of the bucket
func (s *ObjectBucketStatus) Bucket() string { return s.bucket }
// Description is the description supplied when creating the bucket
func (s *ObjectBucketStatus) Description() string { return s.nfo.Config.Description }
// TTL indicates how long objects are kept in the bucket
func (s *ObjectBucketStatus) TTL() time.Duration { return s.nfo.Config.MaxAge }
// Storage indicates the underlying JetStream storage technology used to store data
func (s *ObjectBucketStatus) Storage() StorageType { return s.nfo.Config.Storage }
// Replicas indicates how many storage replicas are kept for the data in the bucket
func (s *ObjectBucketStatus) Replicas() int { return s.nfo.Config.Replicas }
// Sealed indicates the stream is sealed and cannot be modified in any way
func (s *ObjectBucketStatus) Sealed() bool { return s.nfo.Config.Sealed }
// Size is the combined size of all data in the bucket including metadata, in bytes
func (s *ObjectBucketStatus) Size() uint64 { return s.nfo.State.Bytes }
// BackingStore indicates what technology is used for storage of the bucket
func (s *ObjectBucketStatus) BackingStore() string { return "JetStream" }
// Metadata is the metadata supplied when creating the bucket
func (s *ObjectBucketStatus) Metadata() map[string]string { return s.nfo.Config.Metadata }
// StreamInfo is the stream info retrieved to create the status
func (s *ObjectBucketStatus) StreamInfo() *StreamInfo { return s.nfo }
// IsCompressed indicates if the data is compressed on disk
func (s *ObjectBucketStatus) IsCompressed() bool { return s.nfo.Config.Compression != NoCompression }
// Status retrieves run-time status about a bucket
func (obs *obs) Status() (ObjectStoreStatus, error) {
nfo, err := obs.js.StreamInfo(obs.stream)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
status := &ObjectBucketStatus{
nfo: nfo,
bucket: obs.name,
return status, nil
// Read impl.
func (o *objResult) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
defer o.Unlock()
readDeadline := time.Now().Add(o.readTimeout)
if ctx := o.ctx; ctx != nil {
if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
readDeadline = deadline
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if ctx.Err() == context.Canceled {
o.err = ctx.Err()
} else {
o.err = ErrTimeout
if o.err != nil {
return 0, o.err
if o.r == nil {
return 0, io.EOF
r := o.r.(net.Conn)
n, err = r.Read(p)
if err, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && err.Timeout() {
if ctx := o.ctx; ctx != nil {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if ctx.Err() == context.Canceled {
return 0, ctx.Err()
} else {
return 0, ErrTimeout
err = nil
if err == io.EOF {
// Make sure the digest matches.
sha := o.digest.Sum(nil)
rsha, decodeErr := DecodeObjectDigest(o.info.Digest)
if decodeErr != nil {
o.err = decodeErr
return 0, o.err
if !bytes.Equal(sha[:], rsha) {
o.err = ErrDigestMismatch
return 0, o.err
return n, err
// Close impl.
func (o *objResult) Close() error {
defer o.Unlock()
if o.r == nil {
return nil
return o.r.Close()
func (o *objResult) setErr(err error) {
defer o.Unlock()
o.err = err
func (o *objResult) Info() (*ObjectInfo, error) {
defer o.Unlock()
return o.info, o.err
func (o *objResult) Error() error {
defer o.Unlock()
return o.err
// ObjectStoreNames is used to retrieve a list of bucket names
func (js *js) ObjectStoreNames(opts ...ObjectOpt) <-chan string {
var o objOpts
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt != nil {
if err := opt.configureObject(&o); err != nil {
return nil
ch := make(chan string)
var cancel context.CancelFunc
if o.ctx == nil {
o.ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultRequestWait)
l := &streamLister{js: js}
l.js.opts.streamListSubject = fmt.Sprintf(objAllChunksPreTmpl, "*")
l.js.opts.ctx = o.ctx
go func() {
if cancel != nil {
defer cancel()
defer close(ch)
for l.Next() {
for _, info := range l.Page() {
if !strings.HasPrefix(info.Config.Name, "OBJ_") {
select {
case ch <- info.Config.Name:
case <-o.ctx.Done():
return ch
// ObjectStores is used to retrieve a list of bucket statuses
func (js *js) ObjectStores(opts ...ObjectOpt) <-chan ObjectStoreStatus {
var o objOpts
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt != nil {
if err := opt.configureObject(&o); err != nil {
return nil
ch := make(chan ObjectStoreStatus)
var cancel context.CancelFunc
if o.ctx == nil {
o.ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultRequestWait)
l := &streamLister{js: js}
l.js.opts.streamListSubject = fmt.Sprintf(objAllChunksPreTmpl, "*")
l.js.opts.ctx = o.ctx
go func() {
if cancel != nil {
defer cancel()
defer close(ch)
for l.Next() {
for _, info := range l.Page() {
if !strings.HasPrefix(info.Config.Name, "OBJ_") {
select {
case ch <- &ObjectBucketStatus{
nfo: info,
bucket: strings.TrimPrefix(info.Config.Name, "OBJ_"),
case <-o.ctx.Done():
return ch