
1196 lines
32 KiB

// Copyright 2021-2023 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package nats
import (
// KeyValueManager is used to manage KeyValue stores.
type KeyValueManager interface {
// KeyValue will lookup and bind to an existing KeyValue store.
KeyValue(bucket string) (KeyValue, error)
// CreateKeyValue will create a KeyValue store with the following configuration.
CreateKeyValue(cfg *KeyValueConfig) (KeyValue, error)
// DeleteKeyValue will delete this KeyValue store (JetStream stream).
DeleteKeyValue(bucket string) error
// KeyValueStoreNames is used to retrieve a list of key value store names
KeyValueStoreNames() <-chan string
// KeyValueStores is used to retrieve a list of key value store statuses
KeyValueStores() <-chan KeyValueStatus
// KeyValue contains methods to operate on a KeyValue store.
type KeyValue interface {
// Get returns the latest value for the key.
Get(key string) (entry KeyValueEntry, err error)
// GetRevision returns a specific revision value for the key.
GetRevision(key string, revision uint64) (entry KeyValueEntry, err error)
// Put will place the new value for the key into the store.
Put(key string, value []byte) (revision uint64, err error)
// PutString will place the string for the key into the store.
PutString(key string, value string) (revision uint64, err error)
// Create will add the key/value pair iff it does not exist.
Create(key string, value []byte) (revision uint64, err error)
// Update will update the value iff the latest revision matches.
Update(key string, value []byte, last uint64) (revision uint64, err error)
// Delete will place a delete marker and leave all revisions.
Delete(key string, opts ...DeleteOpt) error
// Purge will place a delete marker and remove all previous revisions.
Purge(key string, opts ...DeleteOpt) error
// Watch for any updates to keys that match the keys argument which could include wildcards.
// Watch will send a nil entry when it has received all initial values.
Watch(keys string, opts ...WatchOpt) (KeyWatcher, error)
// WatchAll will invoke the callback for all updates.
WatchAll(opts ...WatchOpt) (KeyWatcher, error)
// Keys will return all keys.
// DEPRECATED: Use ListKeys instead to avoid memory issues.
Keys(opts ...WatchOpt) ([]string, error)
// ListKeys will return all keys in a channel.
ListKeys(opts ...WatchOpt) (KeyLister, error)
// History will return all historical values for the key.
History(key string, opts ...WatchOpt) ([]KeyValueEntry, error)
// Bucket returns the current bucket name.
Bucket() string
// PurgeDeletes will remove all current delete markers.
PurgeDeletes(opts ...PurgeOpt) error
// Status retrieves the status and configuration of a bucket
Status() (KeyValueStatus, error)
// KeyValueStatus is run-time status about a Key-Value bucket
type KeyValueStatus interface {
// Bucket the name of the bucket
Bucket() string
// Values is how many messages are in the bucket, including historical values
Values() uint64
// History returns the configured history kept per key
History() int64
// TTL is how long the bucket keeps values for
TTL() time.Duration
// BackingStore indicates what technology is used for storage of the bucket
BackingStore() string
// Bytes returns the size in bytes of the bucket
Bytes() uint64
// IsCompressed indicates if the data is compressed on disk
IsCompressed() bool
// KeyWatcher is what is returned when doing a watch.
type KeyWatcher interface {
// Context returns watcher context optionally provided by nats.Context option.
Context() context.Context
// Updates returns a channel to read any updates to entries.
Updates() <-chan KeyValueEntry
// Stop will stop this watcher.
Stop() error
// KeyLister is used to retrieve a list of key value store keys
type KeyLister interface {
Keys() <-chan string
Stop() error
type WatchOpt interface {
configureWatcher(opts *watchOpts) error
// For nats.Context() support.
func (ctx ContextOpt) configureWatcher(opts *watchOpts) error {
opts.ctx = ctx
return nil
type watchOpts struct {
ctx context.Context
// Do not send delete markers to the update channel.
ignoreDeletes bool
// Include all history per subject, not just last one.
includeHistory bool
// Include only updates for keys.
updatesOnly bool
// retrieve only the meta data of the entry
metaOnly bool
type watchOptFn func(opts *watchOpts) error
func (opt watchOptFn) configureWatcher(opts *watchOpts) error {
return opt(opts)
// IncludeHistory instructs the key watcher to include historical values as well.
func IncludeHistory() WatchOpt {
return watchOptFn(func(opts *watchOpts) error {
if opts.updatesOnly {
return errors.New("nats: include history can not be used with updates only")
opts.includeHistory = true
return nil
// UpdatesOnly instructs the key watcher to only include updates on values (without latest values when started).
func UpdatesOnly() WatchOpt {
return watchOptFn(func(opts *watchOpts) error {
if opts.includeHistory {
return errors.New("nats: updates only can not be used with include history")
opts.updatesOnly = true
return nil
// IgnoreDeletes will have the key watcher not pass any deleted keys.
func IgnoreDeletes() WatchOpt {
return watchOptFn(func(opts *watchOpts) error {
opts.ignoreDeletes = true
return nil
// MetaOnly instructs the key watcher to retrieve only the entry meta data, not the entry value
func MetaOnly() WatchOpt {
return watchOptFn(func(opts *watchOpts) error {
opts.metaOnly = true
return nil
type PurgeOpt interface {
configurePurge(opts *purgeOpts) error
type purgeOpts struct {
dmthr time.Duration // Delete markers threshold
ctx context.Context
// DeleteMarkersOlderThan indicates that delete or purge markers older than that
// will be deleted as part of PurgeDeletes() operation, otherwise, only the data
// will be removed but markers that are recent will be kept.
// Note that if no option is specified, the default is 30 minutes. You can set
// this option to a negative value to instruct to always remove the markers,
// regardless of their age.
type DeleteMarkersOlderThan time.Duration
func (ttl DeleteMarkersOlderThan) configurePurge(opts *purgeOpts) error {
opts.dmthr = time.Duration(ttl)
return nil
// For nats.Context() support.
func (ctx ContextOpt) configurePurge(opts *purgeOpts) error {
opts.ctx = ctx
return nil
type DeleteOpt interface {
configureDelete(opts *deleteOpts) error
type deleteOpts struct {
// Remove all previous revisions.
purge bool
// Delete only if the latest revision matches.
revision uint64
type deleteOptFn func(opts *deleteOpts) error
func (opt deleteOptFn) configureDelete(opts *deleteOpts) error {
return opt(opts)
// LastRevision deletes if the latest revision matches.
func LastRevision(revision uint64) DeleteOpt {
return deleteOptFn(func(opts *deleteOpts) error {
opts.revision = revision
return nil
// purge removes all previous revisions.
func purge() DeleteOpt {
return deleteOptFn(func(opts *deleteOpts) error {
opts.purge = true
return nil
// KeyValueConfig is for configuring a KeyValue store.
type KeyValueConfig struct {
Bucket string `json:"bucket"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
MaxValueSize int32 `json:"max_value_size,omitempty"`
History uint8 `json:"history,omitempty"`
TTL time.Duration `json:"ttl,omitempty"`
MaxBytes int64 `json:"max_bytes,omitempty"`
Storage StorageType `json:"storage,omitempty"`
Replicas int `json:"num_replicas,omitempty"`
Placement *Placement `json:"placement,omitempty"`
RePublish *RePublish `json:"republish,omitempty"`
Mirror *StreamSource `json:"mirror,omitempty"`
Sources []*StreamSource `json:"sources,omitempty"`
// Enable underlying stream compression.
// NOTE: Compression is supported for nats-server 2.10.0+
Compression bool `json:"compression,omitempty"`
// Used to watch all keys.
const (
KeyValueMaxHistory = 64
AllKeys = ">"
kvLatestRevision = 0
kvop = "KV-Operation"
kvdel = "DEL"
kvpurge = "PURGE"
type KeyValueOp uint8
const (
KeyValuePut KeyValueOp = iota
func (op KeyValueOp) String() string {
switch op {
case KeyValuePut:
return "KeyValuePutOp"
case KeyValueDelete:
return "KeyValueDeleteOp"
case KeyValuePurge:
return "KeyValuePurgeOp"
return "Unknown Operation"
// KeyValueEntry is a retrieved entry for Get or List or Watch.
type KeyValueEntry interface {
// Bucket is the bucket the data was loaded from.
Bucket() string
// Key is the key that was retrieved.
Key() string
// Value is the retrieved value.
Value() []byte
// Revision is a unique sequence for this value.
Revision() uint64
// Created is the time the data was put in the bucket.
Created() time.Time
// Delta is distance from the latest value.
Delta() uint64
// Operation returns Put or Delete or Purge.
Operation() KeyValueOp
// Errors
var (
ErrKeyValueConfigRequired = errors.New("nats: config required")
ErrInvalidBucketName = errors.New("nats: invalid bucket name")
ErrInvalidKey = errors.New("nats: invalid key")
ErrBucketNotFound = errors.New("nats: bucket not found")
ErrBadBucket = errors.New("nats: bucket not valid key-value store")
ErrKeyNotFound = errors.New("nats: key not found")
ErrKeyDeleted = errors.New("nats: key was deleted")
ErrHistoryToLarge = errors.New("nats: history limited to a max of 64")
ErrNoKeysFound = errors.New("nats: no keys found")
var (
ErrKeyExists JetStreamError = &jsError{apiErr: &APIError{ErrorCode: JSErrCodeStreamWrongLastSequence, Code: 400}, message: "key exists"}
const (
kvBucketNamePre = "KV_"
kvBucketNameTmpl = "KV_%s"
kvSubjectsTmpl = "$KV.%s.>"
kvSubjectsPreTmpl = "$KV.%s."
kvSubjectsPreDomainTmpl = "%s.$KV.%s."
kvNoPending = "0"
// Regex for valid keys and buckets.
var (
validBucketRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$`)
validKeyRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^[-/_=\.a-zA-Z0-9]+$`)
validSearchKeyRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^[-/_=\.a-zA-Z0-9*]*[>]?$`)
// KeyValue will lookup and bind to an existing KeyValue store.
func (js *js) KeyValue(bucket string) (KeyValue, error) {
if !js.nc.serverMinVersion(2, 6, 2) {
return nil, errors.New("nats: key-value requires at least server version 2.6.2")
if !bucketValid(bucket) {
return nil, ErrInvalidBucketName
stream := fmt.Sprintf(kvBucketNameTmpl, bucket)
si, err := js.StreamInfo(stream)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ErrStreamNotFound) {
err = ErrBucketNotFound
return nil, err
// Do some quick sanity checks that this is a correctly formed stream for KV.
// Max msgs per subject should be > 0.
if si.Config.MaxMsgsPerSubject < 1 {
return nil, ErrBadBucket
return mapStreamToKVS(js, si), nil
// CreateKeyValue will create a KeyValue store with the following configuration.
func (js *js) CreateKeyValue(cfg *KeyValueConfig) (KeyValue, error) {
if !js.nc.serverMinVersion(2, 6, 2) {
return nil, errors.New("nats: key-value requires at least server version 2.6.2")
if cfg == nil {
return nil, ErrKeyValueConfigRequired
if !bucketValid(cfg.Bucket) {
return nil, ErrInvalidBucketName
if _, err := js.AccountInfo(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Default to 1 for history. Max is 64 for now.
history := int64(1)
if cfg.History > 0 {
if cfg.History > KeyValueMaxHistory {
return nil, ErrHistoryToLarge
history = int64(cfg.History)
replicas := cfg.Replicas
if replicas == 0 {
replicas = 1
// We will set explicitly some values so that we can do comparison
// if we get an "already in use" error and need to check if it is same.
maxBytes := cfg.MaxBytes
if maxBytes == 0 {
maxBytes = -1
maxMsgSize := cfg.MaxValueSize
if maxMsgSize == 0 {
maxMsgSize = -1
// When stream's MaxAge is not set, server uses 2 minutes as the default
// for the duplicate window. If MaxAge is set, and lower than 2 minutes,
// then the duplicate window will be set to that. If MaxAge is greater,
// we will cap the duplicate window to 2 minutes (to be consistent with
// previous behavior).
duplicateWindow := 2 * time.Minute
if cfg.TTL > 0 && cfg.TTL < duplicateWindow {
duplicateWindow = cfg.TTL
var compression StoreCompression
if cfg.Compression {
compression = S2Compression
scfg := &StreamConfig{
Name: fmt.Sprintf(kvBucketNameTmpl, cfg.Bucket),
Description: cfg.Description,
MaxMsgsPerSubject: history,
MaxBytes: maxBytes,
MaxAge: cfg.TTL,
MaxMsgSize: maxMsgSize,
Storage: cfg.Storage,
Replicas: replicas,
Placement: cfg.Placement,
AllowRollup: true,
DenyDelete: true,
Duplicates: duplicateWindow,
MaxMsgs: -1,
MaxConsumers: -1,
AllowDirect: true,
RePublish: cfg.RePublish,
Compression: compression,
if cfg.Mirror != nil {
// Copy in case we need to make changes so we do not change caller's version.
m := cfg.Mirror.copy()
if !strings.HasPrefix(m.Name, kvBucketNamePre) {
m.Name = fmt.Sprintf(kvBucketNameTmpl, m.Name)
scfg.Mirror = m
scfg.MirrorDirect = true
} else if len(cfg.Sources) > 0 {
for _, ss := range cfg.Sources {
var sourceBucketName string
if strings.HasPrefix(ss.Name, kvBucketNamePre) {
sourceBucketName = ss.Name[len(kvBucketNamePre):]
} else {
sourceBucketName = ss.Name
ss.Name = fmt.Sprintf(kvBucketNameTmpl, ss.Name)
if ss.External == nil || sourceBucketName != cfg.Bucket {
ss.SubjectTransforms = []SubjectTransformConfig{{Source: fmt.Sprintf(kvSubjectsTmpl, sourceBucketName), Destination: fmt.Sprintf(kvSubjectsTmpl, cfg.Bucket)}}
scfg.Sources = append(scfg.Sources, ss)
scfg.Subjects = []string{fmt.Sprintf(kvSubjectsTmpl, cfg.Bucket)}
} else {
scfg.Subjects = []string{fmt.Sprintf(kvSubjectsTmpl, cfg.Bucket)}
// If we are at server version 2.7.2 or above use DiscardNew. We can not use DiscardNew for 2.7.1 or below.
if js.nc.serverMinVersion(2, 7, 2) {
scfg.Discard = DiscardNew
si, err := js.AddStream(scfg)
if err != nil {
// If we have a failure to add, it could be because we have
// a config change if the KV was created against a pre 2.7.2
// and we are now moving to a v2.7.2+. If that is the case
// and the only difference is the discard policy, then update
// the stream.
// The same logic applies for KVs created pre 2.9.x and
// the AllowDirect setting.
if errors.Is(err, ErrStreamNameAlreadyInUse) {
if si, _ = js.StreamInfo(scfg.Name); si != nil {
// To compare, make the server's stream info discard
// policy same than ours.
si.Config.Discard = scfg.Discard
// Also need to set allow direct for v2.9.x+
si.Config.AllowDirect = scfg.AllowDirect
if reflect.DeepEqual(&si.Config, scfg) {
si, err = js.UpdateStream(scfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mapStreamToKVS(js, si), nil
// DeleteKeyValue will delete this KeyValue store (JetStream stream).
func (js *js) DeleteKeyValue(bucket string) error {
if !bucketValid(bucket) {
return ErrInvalidBucketName
stream := fmt.Sprintf(kvBucketNameTmpl, bucket)
return js.DeleteStream(stream)
type kvs struct {
name string
stream string
pre string
putPre string
js *js
// If true, it means that APIPrefix/Domain was set in the context
// and we need to add something to some of our high level protocols
// (such as Put, etc..)
useJSPfx bool
// To know if we can use the stream direct get API
useDirect bool
// Underlying entry.
type kve struct {
bucket string
key string
value []byte
revision uint64
delta uint64
created time.Time
op KeyValueOp
func (e *kve) Bucket() string { return e.bucket }
func (e *kve) Key() string { return e.key }
func (e *kve) Value() []byte { return e.value }
func (e *kve) Revision() uint64 { return e.revision }
func (e *kve) Created() time.Time { return e.created }
func (e *kve) Delta() uint64 { return e.delta }
func (e *kve) Operation() KeyValueOp { return e.op }
func bucketValid(bucket string) bool {
if len(bucket) == 0 {
return false
return validBucketRe.MatchString(bucket)
func keyValid(key string) bool {
if len(key) == 0 || key[0] == '.' || key[len(key)-1] == '.' {
return false
return validKeyRe.MatchString(key)
func searchKeyValid(key string) bool {
if len(key) == 0 || key[0] == '.' || key[len(key)-1] == '.' {
return false
return validSearchKeyRe.MatchString(key)
// Get returns the latest value for the key.
func (kv *kvs) Get(key string) (KeyValueEntry, error) {
e, err := kv.get(key, kvLatestRevision)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ErrKeyDeleted) {
return nil, ErrKeyNotFound
return nil, err
return e, nil
// GetRevision returns a specific revision value for the key.
func (kv *kvs) GetRevision(key string, revision uint64) (KeyValueEntry, error) {
e, err := kv.get(key, revision)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ErrKeyDeleted) {
return nil, ErrKeyNotFound
return nil, err
return e, nil
func (kv *kvs) get(key string, revision uint64) (KeyValueEntry, error) {
if !keyValid(key) {
return nil, ErrInvalidKey
var b strings.Builder
var m *RawStreamMsg
var err error
var _opts [1]JSOpt
opts := _opts[:0]
if kv.useDirect {
opts = append(opts, DirectGet())
if revision == kvLatestRevision {
m, err = kv.js.GetLastMsg(kv.stream, b.String(), opts...)
} else {
m, err = kv.js.GetMsg(kv.stream, revision, opts...)
// If a sequence was provided, just make sure that the retrieved
// message subject matches the request.
if err == nil && m.Subject != b.String() {
return nil, ErrKeyNotFound
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ErrMsgNotFound) {
err = ErrKeyNotFound
return nil, err
entry := &kve{
bucket: kv.name,
key: key,
value: m.Data,
revision: m.Sequence,
created: m.Time,
// Double check here that this is not a DEL Operation marker.
if len(m.Header) > 0 {
switch m.Header.Get(kvop) {
case kvdel:
entry.op = KeyValueDelete
return entry, ErrKeyDeleted
case kvpurge:
entry.op = KeyValuePurge
return entry, ErrKeyDeleted
return entry, nil
// Put will place the new value for the key into the store.
func (kv *kvs) Put(key string, value []byte) (revision uint64, err error) {
if !keyValid(key) {
return 0, ErrInvalidKey
var b strings.Builder
if kv.useJSPfx {
if kv.putPre != _EMPTY_ {
} else {
pa, err := kv.js.Publish(b.String(), value)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return pa.Sequence, err
// PutString will place the string for the key into the store.
func (kv *kvs) PutString(key string, value string) (revision uint64, err error) {
return kv.Put(key, []byte(value))
// Create will add the key/value pair if it does not exist.
func (kv *kvs) Create(key string, value []byte) (revision uint64, err error) {
v, err := kv.Update(key, value, 0)
if err == nil {
return v, nil
// TODO(dlc) - Since we have tombstones for DEL ops for watchers, this could be from that
// so we need to double check.
if e, err := kv.get(key, kvLatestRevision); errors.Is(err, ErrKeyDeleted) {
return kv.Update(key, value, e.Revision())
// Check if the expected last subject sequence is not zero which implies
// the key already exists.
if errors.Is(err, ErrKeyExists) {
jserr := ErrKeyExists.(*jsError)
return 0, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", err, jserr.message)
return 0, err
// Update will update the value if the latest revision matches.
func (kv *kvs) Update(key string, value []byte, revision uint64) (uint64, error) {
if !keyValid(key) {
return 0, ErrInvalidKey
var b strings.Builder
if kv.useJSPfx {
m := Msg{Subject: b.String(), Header: Header{}, Data: value}
m.Header.Set(ExpectedLastSubjSeqHdr, strconv.FormatUint(revision, 10))
pa, err := kv.js.PublishMsg(&m)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return pa.Sequence, err
// Delete will place a delete marker and leave all revisions.
func (kv *kvs) Delete(key string, opts ...DeleteOpt) error {
if !keyValid(key) {
return ErrInvalidKey
var b strings.Builder
if kv.useJSPfx {
if kv.putPre != _EMPTY_ {
} else {
// DEL op marker. For watch functionality.
m := NewMsg(b.String())
var o deleteOpts
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt != nil {
if err := opt.configureDelete(&o); err != nil {
return err
if o.purge {
m.Header.Set(kvop, kvpurge)
m.Header.Set(MsgRollup, MsgRollupSubject)
} else {
m.Header.Set(kvop, kvdel)
if o.revision != 0 {
m.Header.Set(ExpectedLastSubjSeqHdr, strconv.FormatUint(o.revision, 10))
_, err := kv.js.PublishMsg(m)
return err
// Purge will remove the key and all revisions.
func (kv *kvs) Purge(key string, opts ...DeleteOpt) error {
return kv.Delete(key, append(opts, purge())...)
const kvDefaultPurgeDeletesMarkerThreshold = 30 * time.Minute
// PurgeDeletes will remove all current delete markers.
// This is a maintenance option if there is a larger buildup of delete markers.
// See DeleteMarkersOlderThan() option for more information.
func (kv *kvs) PurgeDeletes(opts ...PurgeOpt) error {
var o purgeOpts
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt != nil {
if err := opt.configurePurge(&o); err != nil {
return err
// Transfer possible context purge option to the watcher. This is the
// only option that matters for the PurgeDeletes() feature.
var wopts []WatchOpt
if o.ctx != nil {
wopts = append(wopts, Context(o.ctx))
watcher, err := kv.WatchAll(wopts...)
if err != nil {
return err
defer watcher.Stop()
var limit time.Time
olderThan := o.dmthr
// Negative value is used to instruct to always remove markers, regardless
// of age. If set to 0 (or not set), use our default value.
if olderThan == 0 {
olderThan = kvDefaultPurgeDeletesMarkerThreshold
if olderThan > 0 {
limit = time.Now().Add(-olderThan)
var deleteMarkers []KeyValueEntry
for entry := range watcher.Updates() {
if entry == nil {
if op := entry.Operation(); op == KeyValueDelete || op == KeyValuePurge {
deleteMarkers = append(deleteMarkers, entry)
var (
pr StreamPurgeRequest
b strings.Builder
// Do actual purges here.
for _, entry := range deleteMarkers {
pr.Subject = b.String()
pr.Keep = 0
if olderThan > 0 && entry.Created().After(limit) {
pr.Keep = 1
if err := kv.js.purgeStream(kv.stream, &pr); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Keys() will return all keys.
func (kv *kvs) Keys(opts ...WatchOpt) ([]string, error) {
opts = append(opts, IgnoreDeletes(), MetaOnly())
watcher, err := kv.WatchAll(opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer watcher.Stop()
var keys []string
for entry := range watcher.Updates() {
if entry == nil {
keys = append(keys, entry.Key())
if len(keys) == 0 {
return nil, ErrNoKeysFound
return keys, nil
type keyLister struct {
watcher KeyWatcher
keys chan string
// ListKeys will return all keys.
func (kv *kvs) ListKeys(opts ...WatchOpt) (KeyLister, error) {
opts = append(opts, IgnoreDeletes(), MetaOnly())
watcher, err := kv.WatchAll(opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kl := &keyLister{watcher: watcher, keys: make(chan string, 256)}
go func() {
defer close(kl.keys)
defer watcher.Stop()
for entry := range watcher.Updates() {
if entry == nil {
kl.keys <- entry.Key()
return kl, nil
func (kl *keyLister) Keys() <-chan string {
return kl.keys
func (kl *keyLister) Stop() error {
return kl.watcher.Stop()
// History will return all values for the key.
func (kv *kvs) History(key string, opts ...WatchOpt) ([]KeyValueEntry, error) {
opts = append(opts, IncludeHistory())
watcher, err := kv.Watch(key, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer watcher.Stop()
var entries []KeyValueEntry
for entry := range watcher.Updates() {
if entry == nil {
entries = append(entries, entry)
if len(entries) == 0 {
return nil, ErrKeyNotFound
return entries, nil
// Implementation for Watch
type watcher struct {
mu sync.Mutex
updates chan KeyValueEntry
sub *Subscription
initDone bool
initPending uint64
received uint64
ctx context.Context
// Context returns the context for the watcher if set.
func (w *watcher) Context() context.Context {
if w == nil {
return nil
return w.ctx
// Updates returns the interior channel.
func (w *watcher) Updates() <-chan KeyValueEntry {
if w == nil {
return nil
return w.updates
// Stop will unsubscribe from the watcher.
func (w *watcher) Stop() error {
if w == nil {
return nil
return w.sub.Unsubscribe()
// WatchAll watches all keys.
func (kv *kvs) WatchAll(opts ...WatchOpt) (KeyWatcher, error) {
return kv.Watch(AllKeys, opts...)
// Watch will fire the callback when a key that matches the keys pattern is updated.
// keys needs to be a valid NATS subject.
func (kv *kvs) Watch(keys string, opts ...WatchOpt) (KeyWatcher, error) {
if !searchKeyValid(keys) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrInvalidKey, "keys cannot be empty and must be a valid NATS subject")
var o watchOpts
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt != nil {
if err := opt.configureWatcher(&o); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Could be a pattern so don't check for validity as we normally do.
var b strings.Builder
keys = b.String()
// We will block below on placing items on the chan. That is by design.
w := &watcher{updates: make(chan KeyValueEntry, 256), ctx: o.ctx}
update := func(m *Msg) {
tokens, err := parser.GetMetadataFields(m.Reply)
if err != nil {
if len(m.Subject) <= len(kv.pre) {
subj := m.Subject[len(kv.pre):]
var op KeyValueOp
if len(m.Header) > 0 {
switch m.Header.Get(kvop) {
case kvdel:
op = KeyValueDelete
case kvpurge:
op = KeyValuePurge
delta := parser.ParseNum(tokens[parser.AckNumPendingTokenPos])
defer w.mu.Unlock()
if !o.ignoreDeletes || (op != KeyValueDelete && op != KeyValuePurge) {
entry := &kve{
bucket: kv.name,
key: subj,
value: m.Data,
revision: parser.ParseNum(tokens[parser.AckStreamSeqTokenPos]),
created: time.Unix(0, int64(parser.ParseNum(tokens[parser.AckTimestampSeqTokenPos]))),
delta: delta,
op: op,
w.updates <- entry
// Check if done and initial values.
// Skip if UpdatesOnly() is set, since there will never be updates initially.
if !w.initDone {
// We set this on the first trip through..
if w.initPending == 0 {
w.initPending = delta
if w.received > w.initPending || delta == 0 {
w.initDone = true
w.updates <- nil
// Used ordered consumer to deliver results.
subOpts := []SubOpt{BindStream(kv.stream), OrderedConsumer()}
if !o.includeHistory {
subOpts = append(subOpts, DeliverLastPerSubject())
if o.updatesOnly {
subOpts = append(subOpts, DeliverNew())
if o.metaOnly {
subOpts = append(subOpts, HeadersOnly())
if o.ctx != nil {
subOpts = append(subOpts, Context(o.ctx))
// Create the sub and rest of initialization under the lock.
// We want to prevent the race between this code and the
// update() callback.
defer w.mu.Unlock()
sub, err := kv.js.Subscribe(keys, update, subOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If there were no pending messages at the time of the creation
// of the consumer, send the marker.
// Skip if UpdatesOnly() is set, since there will never be updates initially.
if !o.updatesOnly {
if sub.jsi != nil && sub.jsi.pending == 0 {
w.initDone = true
w.updates <- nil
} else {
// if UpdatesOnly was used, mark initialization as complete
w.initDone = true
// Set us up to close when the waitForMessages func returns.
sub.pDone = func(_ string) {
w.sub = sub
return w, nil
// Bucket returns the current bucket name (JetStream stream).
func (kv *kvs) Bucket() string {
return kv.name
// KeyValueBucketStatus represents status of a Bucket, implements KeyValueStatus
type KeyValueBucketStatus struct {
nfo *StreamInfo
bucket string
// Bucket the name of the bucket
func (s *KeyValueBucketStatus) Bucket() string { return s.bucket }
// Values is how many messages are in the bucket, including historical values
func (s *KeyValueBucketStatus) Values() uint64 { return s.nfo.State.Msgs }
// History returns the configured history kept per key
func (s *KeyValueBucketStatus) History() int64 { return s.nfo.Config.MaxMsgsPerSubject }
// TTL is how long the bucket keeps values for
func (s *KeyValueBucketStatus) TTL() time.Duration { return s.nfo.Config.MaxAge }
// BackingStore indicates what technology is used for storage of the bucket
func (s *KeyValueBucketStatus) BackingStore() string { return "JetStream" }
// StreamInfo is the stream info retrieved to create the status
func (s *KeyValueBucketStatus) StreamInfo() *StreamInfo { return s.nfo }
// Bytes is the size of the stream
func (s *KeyValueBucketStatus) Bytes() uint64 { return s.nfo.State.Bytes }
// IsCompressed indicates if the data is compressed on disk
func (s *KeyValueBucketStatus) IsCompressed() bool { return s.nfo.Config.Compression != NoCompression }
// Status retrieves the status and configuration of a bucket
func (kv *kvs) Status() (KeyValueStatus, error) {
nfo, err := kv.js.StreamInfo(kv.stream)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &KeyValueBucketStatus{nfo: nfo, bucket: kv.name}, nil
// KeyValueStoreNames is used to retrieve a list of key value store names
func (js *js) KeyValueStoreNames() <-chan string {
ch := make(chan string)
l := &streamNamesLister{js: js}
l.js.opts.streamListSubject = fmt.Sprintf(kvSubjectsTmpl, "*")
go func() {
defer close(ch)
for l.Next() {
for _, name := range l.Page() {
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, kvBucketNamePre) {
ch <- strings.TrimPrefix(name, kvBucketNamePre)
return ch
// KeyValueStores is used to retrieve a list of key value store statuses
func (js *js) KeyValueStores() <-chan KeyValueStatus {
ch := make(chan KeyValueStatus)
l := &streamLister{js: js}
l.js.opts.streamListSubject = fmt.Sprintf(kvSubjectsTmpl, "*")
go func() {
defer close(ch)
for l.Next() {
for _, info := range l.Page() {
if !strings.HasPrefix(info.Config.Name, kvBucketNamePre) {
ch <- &KeyValueBucketStatus{nfo: info, bucket: strings.TrimPrefix(info.Config.Name, kvBucketNamePre)}
return ch
func mapStreamToKVS(js *js, info *StreamInfo) *kvs {
bucket := strings.TrimPrefix(info.Config.Name, kvBucketNamePre)
kv := &kvs{
name: bucket,
stream: info.Config.Name,
pre: fmt.Sprintf(kvSubjectsPreTmpl, bucket),
js: js,
// Determine if we need to use the JS prefix in front of Put and Delete operations
useJSPfx: js.opts.pre != defaultAPIPrefix,
useDirect: info.Config.AllowDirect,
// If we are mirroring, we will have mirror direct on, so just use the mirror name
// and override use
if m := info.Config.Mirror; m != nil {
bucket := strings.TrimPrefix(m.Name, kvBucketNamePre)
if m.External != nil && m.External.APIPrefix != _EMPTY_ {
kv.useJSPfx = false
kv.pre = fmt.Sprintf(kvSubjectsPreTmpl, bucket)
kv.putPre = fmt.Sprintf(kvSubjectsPreDomainTmpl, m.External.APIPrefix, bucket)
} else {
kv.putPre = fmt.Sprintf(kvSubjectsPreTmpl, bucket)
return kv