Søren Rasmussen 07a23c1845
Some checks reported errors
continuous-integration/drone/push Build encountered an error
Upgrade to go 1.20 and add vendor catalog
2023-04-22 10:37:23 +02:00

654 lines
19 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Kent Gibson <warthog618@gmail.com>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package gpiod
import (
// ChipOption defines the interface required to provide a Chip option.
type ChipOption interface {
// ChipOptions contains the options for a Chip.
type ChipOptions struct {
consumer string
config LineConfig
abi int
eh EventHandler
// ConsumerOption defines the consumer label for a line.
type ConsumerOption string
// WithConsumer provides the consumer label for the line.
// When applied to a chip it provides the default consumer label for all lines
// requested by the chip.
func WithConsumer(consumer string) ConsumerOption {
return ConsumerOption(consumer)
func (o ConsumerOption) applyChipOption(c *ChipOptions) {
c.consumer = string(o)
func (o ConsumerOption) applyLineReqOption(l *lineReqOptions) {
l.consumer = string(o)
// LineReqOption defines the interface required to provide an option for Line and
// Lines as part of a line request.
type LineReqOption interface {
// LineConfigOption defines the interface required to update an option for
// Line and Lines.
type LineConfigOption interface {
// SubsetLineConfigOption defines the interface required to update an option for a
// subset of requested lines.
type SubsetLineConfigOption interface {
applySubsetLineConfigOption([]int, *lineConfigOptions)
// lineReqOptions contains the options for a Line(s) request.
type lineReqOptions struct {
consumer string
abi int
eh EventHandler
eventBufferSize int
// lineConfigOptions contains the configuration options for a Line(s) reconfigure.
type lineConfigOptions struct {
offsets []int
values map[int]int
defCfg LineConfig
lineCfg map[int]*LineConfig
func (lco *lineConfigOptions) lineConfig(offset int) *LineConfig {
if lco.lineCfg == nil {
lco.lineCfg = map[int]*LineConfig{}
lc := lco.lineCfg[offset]
if lc == nil {
tlc := lco.defCfg
lc = &tlc
lco.lineCfg[offset] = lc
return lc
func (lco lineConfigOptions) outputValues() uapi.OutputValues {
ov := uapi.LineBitmap(0)
for idx, val := range lco.offsets {
ov = ov.Set(idx, lco.values[val])
return uapi.OutputValues(ov)
type lineConfigAttributes []uapi.LineConfigAttribute
func (lca lineConfigAttributes) append(attr uapi.LineAttribute, mask uapi.LineBitmap) lineConfigAttributes {
for idx, cae := range lca {
if cae.Attr.ID == attr.ID {
lca[idx].Mask &^= mask
for idx, cae := range lca {
if cae.Attr == attr {
lca[idx].Mask |= mask
return lca
return append(lca, uapi.LineConfigAttribute{Attr: attr, Mask: mask})
func (lco lineConfigOptions) toULineConfig() (ulc uapi.LineConfig, err error) {
mask := uapi.NewLineBitMask(len(lco.offsets))
cfgAttrs := lineConfigAttributes{
// first cfg slot reserved for default flags
uapi.LineConfigAttribute{Attr: uapi.LineFlagV2(0).Encode(), Mask: mask},
attrs := lco.defCfg.toLineAttributes()
for _, attr := range attrs {
if attr.ID == uapi.LineAttributeIDFlags {
cfgAttrs[0].Attr = attr
} else {
cfgAttrs = cfgAttrs.append(attr, mask)
var outputMask uapi.LineBitmap
if lco.defCfg.Direction == LineDirectionOutput {
outputMask = mask
for idx, offset := range lco.offsets {
cfg := lco.lineCfg[offset]
if cfg == nil {
mask = uapi.LineBitmap(1) << uint(idx)
attrs = cfg.toLineAttributes()
for _, attr := range attrs {
cfgAttrs = cfgAttrs.append(attr, mask)
if cfg.Direction == LineDirectionOutput {
outputMask |= mask
} else {
outputMask &^= mask
var defFlags uapi.LineFlagV2
// replace default flags in slot 0 with outputValues
cfgAttrs[0].Attr = lco.outputValues().Encode()
cfgAttrs[0].Mask = outputMask
// filter mask==0 entries
loopAttrs := cfgAttrs
cfgAttrs = cfgAttrs[:0]
for _, attr := range loopAttrs {
if attr.Mask != 0 {
cfgAttrs = append(cfgAttrs, attr)
if len(cfgAttrs) > 10 {
err = ErrConfigOverflow
ulc.Flags = defFlags
ulc.NumAttrs = uint32(len(cfgAttrs))
copy(ulc.Attrs[:], cfgAttrs)
// EventHandler is a receiver for line events.
type EventHandler func(LineEvent)
// AsIsOption indicates the line direction should be left as is.
type AsIsOption int
// AsIs indicates that a line be requested as neither an input or output.
// That is its direction is left as is. This option overrides and clears any
// previous Input or Output options.
const AsIs = AsIsOption(0)
func (o AsIsOption) applyLineReqOption(l *lineReqOptions) {
l.defCfg.Direction = LineDirectionUnknown
// InputOption indicates the line direction should be set to an input.
type InputOption int
// AsInput indicates that a line be requested as an input.
// This option overrides and clears any previous Output, OpenDrain, or
// OpenSource options.
const AsInput = InputOption(0)
func (o InputOption) applyLineConfig(lc *LineConfig) {
lc.Direction = LineDirectionInput
lc.Drive = LineDrivePushPull
func (o InputOption) applyChipOption(c *ChipOptions) {
c.config.Direction = LineDirectionInput
func (o InputOption) applyLineReqOption(lro *lineReqOptions) {
func (o InputOption) applyLineConfigOption(lco *lineConfigOptions) {
func (o InputOption) applySubsetLineConfigOption(offsets []int, l *lineConfigOptions) {
for _, offset := range offsets {
// OutputOption indicates the line direction should be set to an output.
type OutputOption []int
// AsOutput indicates that a line or lines be requested as an output.
// The initial active state for the line(s) can optionally be provided.
// If fewer values are provided than lines then the remaining lines default to
// inactive.
// This option overrides and clears any previous Input, RisingEdge, FallingEdge,
// BothEdges, or Debounce options.
func AsOutput(values ...int) OutputOption {
vv := append([]int(nil), values...)
return OutputOption(vv)
func (o OutputOption) applyLineReqOption(lro *lineReqOptions) {
func (o OutputOption) applyLineConfig(lc *LineConfig) {
lc.Direction = LineDirectionOutput
lc.Debounced = false
lc.DebouncePeriod = 0
lc.EdgeDetection = LineEdgeNone
func (o OutputOption) applyLineConfigOption(lco *lineConfigOptions) {
for idx, value := range o {
lco.values[lco.offsets[idx]] = value
func (o OutputOption) applySubsetLineConfigOption(offsets []int, lco *lineConfigOptions) {
for idx, offset := range offsets {
lco.values[offset] = o[idx]
// LevelOption determines the line level that is considered active.
type LevelOption bool
func (o LevelOption) applyChipOption(c *ChipOptions) {
c.config.ActiveLow = bool(o)
func (o LevelOption) applyLineReqOption(lro *lineReqOptions) {
lro.defCfg.ActiveLow = bool(o)
func (o LevelOption) applyLineConfigOption(lco *lineConfigOptions) {
lco.defCfg.ActiveLow = bool(o)
func (o LevelOption) applySubsetLineConfigOption(offsets []int, lco *lineConfigOptions) {
for _, offset := range offsets {
lco.lineConfig(offset).ActiveLow = bool(o)
// AsActiveLow indicates that a line be considered active when the line level
// is low.
const AsActiveLow = LevelOption(true)
// AsActiveHigh indicates that a line be considered active when the line level
// is high.
// This is the default active level.
const AsActiveHigh = LevelOption(false)
func (o LineDrive) applyLineConfig(lc *LineConfig) {
lc.Drive = o
lc.Direction = LineDirectionOutput
lc.Debounced = false
lc.DebouncePeriod = 0
lc.EdgeDetection = LineEdgeNone
func (o LineDrive) applyChipOption(c *ChipOptions) {
func (o LineDrive) applyLineReqOption(lro *lineReqOptions) {
func (o LineDrive) applyLineConfigOption(lco *lineConfigOptions) {
func (o LineDrive) applySubsetLineConfigOption(offsets []int, lco *lineConfigOptions) {
for _, offset := range offsets {
// AsOpenDrain indicates that a line be driven low but left floating for high.
// This option sets the Output option and overrides and clears any previous
// Input, RisingEdge, FallingEdge, BothEdges, OpenSource, or Debounce options.
const AsOpenDrain = LineDriveOpenDrain
// AsOpenSource indicates that a line be driven high but left floating for low.
// This option sets the Output option and overrides and clears any previous
// Input, RisingEdge, FallingEdge, BothEdges, OpenDrain, or Debounce options.
const AsOpenSource = LineDriveOpenSource
// AsPushPull indicates that a line be driven both low and high.
// This option sets the Output option and overrides and clears any previous
// Input, RisingEdge, FallingEdge, BothEdges, OpenDrain, OpenSource or Debounce
// options.
const AsPushPull = LineDrivePushPull
func (o LineBias) applyChipOption(c *ChipOptions) {
c.config.Bias = o
func (o LineBias) applyLineReqOption(lro *lineReqOptions) {
lro.defCfg.Bias = o
func (o LineBias) applyLineConfigOption(lco *lineConfigOptions) {
lco.defCfg.Bias = o
func (o LineBias) applySubsetLineConfigOption(offsets []int, lco *lineConfigOptions) {
for _, offset := range offsets {
lco.lineConfig(offset).Bias = o
// WithBiasAsIs indicates that a line have its internal bias left unchanged.
// This option corresponds to the default bias configuration and its only useful
// application is to clear any previous bias option in a chain of LineOptions,
// before that configuration is applied.
// Requires Linux v5.5 or later.
const WithBiasAsIs = LineBiasUnknown
// WithBiasDisabled indicates that a line have its internal bias disabled.
// This option overrides and clears any previous bias options.
// Requires Linux v5.5 or later.
const WithBiasDisabled = LineBiasDisabled
// WithPullDown indicates that a line have its internal pull-down enabled.
// This option overrides and clears any previous bias options.
// Requires Linux v5.5 or later.
const WithPullDown = LineBiasPullDown
// WithPullUp indicates that a line have its internal pull-up enabled.
// This option overrides and clears any previous bias options.
// Requires Linux v5.5 or later.
const WithPullUp = LineBiasPullUp
func (o EventHandler) applyChipOption(c *ChipOptions) {
c.eh = o
func (o EventHandler) applyLineReqOption(lro *lineReqOptions) {
lro.eh = o
// WithEventHandler indicates that a line will generate events when its active
// state transitions from high to low.
// Events are forwarded to the provided handler function.
// To maintain event ordering, the event handler is called serially for each
// event from the requested lines. To minimize the possiblity of overflowing
// the queue of events in the kernel, the event handler should handle or
// hand-off the event and return as soon as possible.
// Note that calling Close on the requested line from within the event handler
// will result in deadlock, as the Close waits for the event handler to
// return. Therefore the Close must be called from a different goroutine.
func WithEventHandler(e EventHandler) EventHandler {
return e
func (o LineEdge) applyLineConfig(lc *LineConfig) {
lc.EdgeDetection = o
lc.Direction = LineDirectionInput
func (o LineEdge) applyLineReqOption(lro *lineReqOptions) {
func (o LineEdge) applyLineConfigOption(lco *lineConfigOptions) {
func (o LineEdge) applySubsetLineConfigOption(offsets []int, lco *lineConfigOptions) {
for _, offset := range offsets {
// WithFallingEdge indicates that a line will generate events when its active
// state transitions from high to low.
// Events are forwarded to the provided handler function.
// This option sets the Input option and overrides and clears any previous
// Output, OpenDrain, or OpenSource options.
const WithFallingEdge = LineEdgeFalling
// WithRisingEdge indicates that a line will generate events when its active
// state transitions from low to high.
// Events are forwarded to the provided handler function.
// This option sets the Input option and overrides and clears any previous
// Output, OpenDrain, or OpenSource options.
const WithRisingEdge = LineEdgeRising
// WithBothEdges indicates that a line will generate events when its active
// state transitions from low to high and from high to low.
// Events are forwarded to the provided handler function.
// This option sets the Input option and overrides and clears any previous
// Output, OpenDrain, or OpenSource options.
const WithBothEdges = LineEdgeBoth
// WithoutEdges indicates that a line will not generate events due to active
// state transitions.
// This is the default for line requests, but allows the removal of edge
// detection by reconfigure.
// This option sets the Input option and overrides and clears any previous
// Output, OpenDrain, or OpenSource options.
// The WithoutEdges option requires Linux v5.10 or later.
const WithoutEdges = LineEdgeNone
func (o LineEventClock) applyChipOption(c *ChipOptions) {
c.config.EventClock = LineEventClock(o)
func (o LineEventClock) applyLineReqOption(lro *lineReqOptions) {
lro.defCfg.EventClock = LineEventClock(o)
func (o LineEventClock) applyLineConfigOption(lco *lineConfigOptions) {
lco.defCfg.EventClock = LineEventClock(o)
func (o LineEventClock) applySubsetLineConfigOption(offsets []int, lco *lineConfigOptions) {
for _, offset := range offsets {
lco.lineConfig(offset).EventClock = LineEventClock(o)
// WithMonotonicEventClock specifies that the edge event timestamps are sourced
// This option corresponds to the default event clock configuration and its only
// useful application is to clear any previous event clock option in a chain of
// LineOptions, before that configuration is applied.
const WithMonotonicEventClock = LineEventClockMonotonic
// WithRealtimeEventClock specifies that the edge event timestamps are sourced
// Requires Linux v5.11 or later.
const WithRealtimeEventClock = LineEventClockRealtime
// DebounceOption indicates that a line will be debounced.
// The DebounceOption requires Linux v5.10 or later.
type DebounceOption time.Duration
func (o DebounceOption) applyLineConfig(lc *LineConfig) {
lc.Direction = LineDirectionInput
lc.Debounced = true
lc.DebouncePeriod = time.Duration(o)
func (o DebounceOption) applyLineReqOption(lro *lineReqOptions) {
func (o DebounceOption) applyLineConfigOption(lco *lineConfigOptions) {
func (o DebounceOption) applySubsetLineConfigOption(offsets []int, lco *lineConfigOptions) {
for _, offset := range offsets {
// WithDebounce indicates that a line will be debounced with the specified
// debounce period.
// This option sets the Input option and overrides and clears any previous
// Output, OpenDrain, or OpenSource options.
// Requires Linux v5.10 or later.
func WithDebounce(period time.Duration) DebounceOption {
return DebounceOption(period)
// ABIVersionOption selects the version of the GPIO ioctl commands to use.
// The default is to use the latest version supported by the kernel.
type ABIVersionOption int
func (o ABIVersionOption) applyChipOption(c *ChipOptions) {
c.abi = int(o)
func (o ABIVersionOption) applyLineReqOption(l *lineReqOptions) {
l.abi = int(o)
// WithABIVersion indicates the version of the GPIO ioctls to use.
// The default is to use the latest version supported by the kernel.
// ABI version 2 requires Linux v5.10 or later.
func WithABIVersion(version int) ABIVersionOption {
return ABIVersionOption(version)
// LinesOption specifies line options that are to be applied to a subset of
// the lines in a request.
type LinesOption struct {
offsets []int
options []SubsetLineConfigOption
func (o LinesOption) applyLineReqOption(lro *lineReqOptions) {
func (o LinesOption) applyLineConfigOption(lco *lineConfigOptions) {
for _, option := range o.options {
option.applySubsetLineConfigOption(o.offsets, lco)
// WithLines specifies line options to be applied to a subset of the lines in a
// request.
// The offsets should be a strict subset of the offsets provided to
// RequestLines().
// Any offsets outside that set are ignored.
func WithLines(offsets []int, options ...SubsetLineConfigOption) LinesOption {
return LinesOption{offsets, options}
// DefaultedOption resets the configuration to default values.
type DefaultedOption int
func (o DefaultedOption) applyLineReqOption(lro *lineReqOptions) {
func (o DefaultedOption) applyLineConfigOption(lco *lineConfigOptions) {
lco.defCfg = LineConfig{}
lco.values = map[int]int{}
func (o DefaultedOption) applySubsetLineConfigOption(offsets []int, lco *lineConfigOptions) {
if len(offsets) == 0 {
lco.lineCfg = nil
for _, offset := range offsets {
delete(lco.values, offset)
delete(lco.lineCfg, offset)
// Defaulted resets all configuration options to default values.
// This option provides the means to simply reset all configuration options to
// their default values. This is rarely necessary but is made available for
// completeness.
// When applied within WithLines() it resets the configuration of the lines to
// the default for the request, effectively clearing all previous WithLines()
// options for the specified offsets. If no offsets are specified then the
// configurarion for all offsets is reset to the request default.
// When applied outside WithLines() it resets the default configuration for the
// request itself to default values but leaves any configuration set within
// WithLines() unchanged.
const Defaulted = DefaultedOption(0)
// EventBufferSizeOption provides a suggested minimum number of events the
// kernel will buffer for the line request.
// The EventBufferSizeOption requires Linux v5.10 or later.
type EventBufferSizeOption int
func (o EventBufferSizeOption) applyLineReqOption(lro *lineReqOptions) {
lro.eventBufferSize = int(o)
// WithEventBufferSize suggests a minimum number of events the kernel will
// buffer for the line request.
// Note that the value is only a suggestion, and the kernel may set higher
// values or place a cap on the buffer size.
// A zero value (the default) indicates that the kernel should use its default
// buffer size (the number of requested lines * 16).
// Requires Linux v5.10 or later.
func WithEventBufferSize(size int) EventBufferSizeOption {
return EventBufferSizeOption(size)