# Contributing Thanks for your interest in contributing! This document contains `nats-io/nats.go` specific contributing details. If you are a first-time contributor, please refer to the general [NATS Contributor Guide](https://nats.io/contributing/) to get a comprehensive overview of contributing to the NATS project. ## Getting started There are three general ways you can contribute to this repo: - Proposing an enhancement or new feature - Reporting a bug or regression - Contributing changes to the source code For the first two, refer to the [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/nats-io/nats.go/issues/new/choose) which guides you through the available options along with the needed information to collect. ## Contributing changes _Prior to opening a pull request, it is recommended to open an issue first to ensure the maintainers can review intended changes. Exceptions to this rule include fixing non-functional source such as code comments, documentation or other supporting files._ Proposing source code changes is done through GitHub's standard pull request workflow. If your branch is a work-in-progress then please start by creating your pull requests as draft, by clicking the down-arrow next to the `Create pull request` button and instead selecting `Create draft pull request`. This will defer the automatic process of requesting a review from the NATS team and significantly reduces noise until you are ready. Once you are happy, you can click the `Ready for review` button. ### Guidelines A good pull request includes: - A high-level description of the changes, including links to any issues that are related by adding comments like `Resolves #NNN` to your description. See [Linking a Pull Request to an Issue](https://docs.github.com/en/issues/tracking-your-work-with-issues/linking-a-pull-request-to-an-issue) for more information. - An up-to-date parent commit. Please make sure you are pulling in the latest `main` branch and rebasing your work on top of it, i.e. `git rebase main`. - Unit tests where appropriate. Bug fixes will benefit from the addition of regression tests. New features will not be accepted without suitable test coverage! - No more commits than necessary. Sometimes having multiple commits is useful for telling a story or isolating changes from one another, but please squash down any unnecessary commits that may just be for clean-up, comments or small changes. - No additional external dependencies that aren't absolutely essential. Please do everything you can to avoid pulling in additional libraries/dependencies into `go.mod` as we will be very critical of these. ### Sign-off In order to accept a contribution, you will first need to certify that the contribution is your original work and that you license the work to the project under the [Apache-2.0 license](https://github.com/nats-io/nats.go/blob/main/LICENSE). This is done by using `Signed-off-by` statements, which should appear in **both** your commit messages and your PR description. Please note that we can only accept sign-offs under a legal name. Nicknames and aliases are not permitted. To perform a sign-off with `git`, use `git commit -s` (or `--signoff`). ## Get help If you have questions about the contribution process, please start a [GitHub discussion](https://github.com/nats-io/nats.go/discussions), join the [NATS Slack](https://slack.nats.io/), or send your question to the [NATS Google Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/natsio). ## Testing You should use `go_test.mod` to manage your testing dependencies. Please use the following command to update your dependencies and avoid changing the main `go.mod` in a PR: ```shell go mod tidy -modfile=go_test.mod ``` To the tests you can pass `-modfile=go_test.mod` flag to `go test` or instead you can also set `GOFLAGS="-modfile=go_test.mod"` as an environment variable: ```shell go test ./... -modfile=go_test.mod ```