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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Kent Gibson <warthog618@gmail.com>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
2024-06-15 13:58:47 +00:00
// Package gpiocdev is a library for accessing GPIO pins/lines on Linux platforms
// using the GPIO character device.
// This is a Go equivalent of libgpiod.
// Supports:
2024-06-15 13:58:47 +00:00
// - Line direction (input/output)
// - Line write (active/inactive)
// - Line read (active/inactive)
// - Line bias (pull-up/pull-down/disabled)
// - Line drive (push-pull/open-drain/open-source)
// - Line level (active-high/active-low)
// - Line edge detection (rising/falling/both)
// - Line labels
// - Collections of lines for near simultaneous reads and writes on multiple lines
// Example of use:
2024-06-15 13:58:47 +00:00
// v := 0
// l, err := gpiocdev.RequestLine("gpiochip0", 4, gpiocdev.AsOutput(v))
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// for {
// <-time.After(time.Second)
// v ^= 1
// l.SetValue(v)
// }
package gpiocdev
import (
2024-06-15 13:58:47 +00:00
// Chip represents a single GPIO chip that controls a set of lines.
type Chip struct {
f *os.File
// The system name for this chip.
Name string
// A more individual label for the chip.
Label string
// The number of GPIO lines on this chip.
lines int
// default options for reserved lines.
options ChipOptions
// mutex covers the attributes below it.
mu sync.Mutex
// watcher for line info changes
iw *infoWatcher
// handlers for info changes in watched lines, keyed by offset.
ich map[int]InfoChangeHandler
// indicates the chip has been closed.
closed bool
// LineConfig contains the configuration parameters for the line.
type LineConfig struct {
// A flag indicating if the line is active low.
ActiveLow bool
// The line direction.
Direction LineDirection
// The line drive.
Drive LineDrive
// The line bias.
Bias LineBias
// The line edge detection.
EdgeDetection LineEdge
// A flag indicating if the line is debounced.
Debounced bool
// The line debounce period.
DebouncePeriod time.Duration
// The source clock for events on the line.
EventClock LineEventClock
// LineDirection indicates the direction of a line.
type LineDirection int
const (
// LineDirectionUnknown indicate the line direction is unknown.
LineDirectionUnknown LineDirection = iota
// LineDirectionInput indicates the line is an input.
// LineDirectionOutput indicates the line is an output.
// LineDrive indicates the drive of an output line.
type LineDrive int
const (
// LineDrivePushPull indicates the line is driven in both directions.
LineDrivePushPull LineDrive = iota
// LineDriveOpenDrain indicates the line is an open drain output.
// LineDriveOpenSource indicates the line is an open souce output.
// LineBias indicates the bias applied to a line.
type LineBias int
const (
// LineBiasUnknown indicates the line bias is unknown.
LineBiasUnknown LineBias = iota
// LineBiasDisabled indicates the line bias is disabled.
// LineBiasPullUp indicates the line has pull up enabled.
// LineBiasPullDown indicates the line has pull down enabled.
// LineEdge indicates the edges detected by the line.
type LineEdge int
const (
// LineEdgeNone indicates the line edge detection is disabled.
LineEdgeNone LineEdge = iota
// LineEdgeRising indicates the line has rising edge detection enabled.
// LineEdgeFalling indicates the line has falling edge detection enabled.
// LineEdgeBoth indicates the line has both rising and falling edge
// detection enabled.
LineEdgeBoth = LineEdgeRising | LineEdgeFalling
// LineEventClock indicates the source clock used to timestamp edge events.
type LineEventClock int
const (
// LineEventClockMonotonic indicates the source clock is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
LineEventClockMonotonic LineEventClock = iota
// LineEventClockRealtime indicates the source clock is CLOCK_REALTIME.
// LineInfo contains a summary of publicly available information about the
// line.
type LineInfo struct {
// The line offset within the chip.
Offset int
// The system name for the line.
Name string
// A string identifying the requester of the line, if requested.
Consumer string
// The line is in use.
Used bool
// The configuration parameters for the line.
Config LineConfig
// Chips returns the names of the available GPIO devices.
func Chips() []string {
cc := []string(nil)
for _, name := range chipNames() {
if IsChip(name) == nil {
cc = append(cc, name)
return cc
// RequestLine requests control of a single line on a chip.
// If granted, control is maintained until the Line is closed.
func RequestLine(chip string, offset int, options ...LineReqOption) (*Line, error) {
c, err := NewChip(chip)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer c.Close()
return c.RequestLine(offset, options...)
// RequestLines requests control of a collection of lines on a chip.
// If granted, control is maintained until the Lines are closed.
func RequestLines(chip string, offsets []int, options ...LineReqOption) (*Lines, error) {
c, err := NewChip(chip)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer c.Close()
return c.RequestLines(offsets, options...)
// NewChip opens a GPIO character device.
func NewChip(name string, options ...ChipOption) (*Chip, error) {
path := nameToPath(name)
err := IsChip(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
co := ChipOptions{
2024-06-15 13:58:47 +00:00
consumer: fmt.Sprintf("gpiocdev-%d", os.Getpid()),
for _, option := range options {
f, err := os.OpenFile(path, unix.O_CLOEXEC, unix.O_RDONLY)
if err != nil {
// only happens if device removed/locked since IsChip call.
return nil, err
ci, err := uapi.GetChipInfo(f.Fd())
if err != nil {
// only occurs if IsChip was wrong?
return nil, err
c := Chip{
f: f,
Name: uapi.BytesToString(ci.Name[:]),
Label: uapi.BytesToString(ci.Label[:]),
lines: int(ci.Lines),
options: co,
if c.options.abi == 0 {
// probe v2 - should only throw an error if v2 is not supported.
if _, err = c.LineInfo(0); err == nil {
c.options.abi = 2
} else {
c.options.abi = 1
if len(c.Label) == 0 {
c.Label = "unknown"
return &c, nil
// Close releases the Chip.
// It does not release any lines which may be requested - they must be closed
// independently.
func (c *Chip) Close() error {
closed := c.closed
c.closed = true
if closed {
return ErrClosed
if c.iw != nil {
return c.f.Close()
// LineInfo returns the publicly available information on the line.
// This is always available and does not require requesting the line.
func (c *Chip) LineInfo(offset int) (info LineInfo, err error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
if c.closed {
err = ErrClosed
if offset < 0 || offset >= c.lines {
err = ErrInvalidOffset
if c.options.abi == 1 {
var li uapi.LineInfo
li, err = uapi.GetLineInfo(c.f.Fd(), offset)
if err == nil {
info = newLineInfo(li)
var li uapi.LineInfoV2
li, err = uapi.GetLineInfoV2(c.f.Fd(), offset)
if err == nil {
info = newLineInfoV2(li)
func lineInfoToLineConfig(li uapi.LineInfo) LineConfig {
lc := LineConfig{}
lc.ActiveLow = li.Flags.IsActiveLow()
if li.Flags.IsOut() {
lc.Direction = LineDirectionOutput
if li.Flags.IsOpenDrain() {
lc.Drive = LineDriveOpenDrain
} else if li.Flags.IsOpenSource() {
lc.Drive = LineDriveOpenSource
} else {
lc.Direction = LineDirectionInput
if li.Flags.IsPullUp() {
lc.Bias = LineBiasPullUp
} else if li.Flags.IsPullDown() {
lc.Bias = LineBiasPullDown
} else if li.Flags.IsBiasDisable() {
lc.Bias = LineBiasDisabled
return lc
func lineInfoV2ToLineConfig(li uapi.LineInfoV2) LineConfig {
lc := LineConfig{}
lc.ActiveLow = li.Flags.IsActiveLow()
if li.Flags.IsOutput() {
lc.Direction = LineDirectionOutput
if li.Flags.IsOpenDrain() {
lc.Drive = LineDriveOpenDrain
} else if li.Flags.IsOpenSource() {
lc.Drive = LineDriveOpenSource
} else {
lc.Direction = LineDirectionInput
if li.Flags.IsBothEdges() {
lc.EdgeDetection = LineEdgeBoth
} else if li.Flags.IsRisingEdge() {
lc.EdgeDetection = LineEdgeRising
} else if li.Flags.IsFallingEdge() {
lc.EdgeDetection = LineEdgeFalling
if li.Flags.IsBiasPullUp() {
lc.Bias = LineBiasPullUp
} else if li.Flags.IsBiasPullDown() {
lc.Bias = LineBiasPullDown
} else if li.Flags.IsBiasDisabled() {
lc.Bias = LineBiasDisabled
for i := 0; i < int(li.NumAttrs); i++ {
if li.Attrs[i].ID == uapi.LineAttributeIDDebounce {
lc.Debounced = true
lc.DebouncePeriod = time.Duration(li.Attrs[i].Value32()) * time.Microsecond
return lc
func newLineInfo(li uapi.LineInfo) LineInfo {
return LineInfo{
Offset: int(li.Offset),
Name: uapi.BytesToString(li.Name[:]),
Consumer: uapi.BytesToString(li.Consumer[:]),
Used: li.Flags.IsUsed(),
Config: lineInfoToLineConfig(li),
func newLineInfoV2(li uapi.LineInfoV2) LineInfo {
return LineInfo{
Offset: int(li.Offset),
Name: uapi.BytesToString(li.Name[:]),
Consumer: uapi.BytesToString(li.Consumer[:]),
Used: li.Flags.IsUsed(),
Config: lineInfoV2ToLineConfig(li),
// Lines returns the number of lines that exist on the GPIO chip.
func (c *Chip) Lines() int {
return c.lines
// RequestLine requests control of a single line on the chip.
// If granted, control is maintained until the Line is closed.
func (c *Chip) RequestLine(offset int, options ...LineReqOption) (*Line, error) {
ll, err := c.RequestLines([]int{offset}, options...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l := Line{
baseLine: baseLine{
offsets: ll.offsets,
values: ll.values,
vfd: ll.vfd,
isEvent: ll.isEvent,
chip: ll.chip,
abi: ll.abi,
defCfg: ll.defCfg,
watcher: ll.watcher,
return &l, nil
// RequestLines requests control of a collection of lines on the chip.
// If granted, control is maintained until the Lines are closed.
func (c *Chip) RequestLines(offsets []int, options ...LineReqOption) (*Lines, error) {
for _, o := range offsets {
if o < 0 || o >= c.lines {
return nil, ErrInvalidOffset
offsets = append([]int(nil), offsets...)
lro := lineReqOptions{
lineConfigOptions: lineConfigOptions{
offsets: offsets,
values: map[int]int{},
defCfg: c.options.config,
consumer: c.options.consumer,
abi: c.options.abi,
eh: c.options.eh,
for _, option := range options {
ll := Lines{
baseLine: baseLine{
offsets: offsets,
values: lro.values,
chip: c.Name,
abi: lro.abi,
defCfg: lro.defCfg,
var err error
if ll.abi == 2 {
ll.vfd, ll.watcher, err = c.getLine(ll.offsets, lro)
} else {
err = lro.defCfg.v1Validate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if lro.eh == nil {
ll.vfd, err = c.getHandleRequest(ll.offsets, lro)
} else {
ll.isEvent = true
ll.vfd, ll.watcher, err = c.getEventRequest(ll.offsets, lro)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ll, nil
// creates the iw and ich
// Assumes c is locked.
func (c *Chip) createInfoWatcher() error {
iw, err := newInfoWatcher(int(c.f.Fd()),
func(lic LineInfoChangeEvent) {
ich := c.ich[lic.Info.Offset]
c.mu.Unlock() // handler called outside lock
if ich != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
c.iw = iw
c.ich = map[int]InfoChangeHandler{}
return nil
// WatchLineInfo enables watching changes to line info for the specified lines.
// The changes are reported via the chip InfoChangeHandler.
// Repeated calls replace the InfoChangeHandler.
// Requires Linux v5.7 or later.
func (c *Chip) WatchLineInfo(offset int, lich InfoChangeHandler) (info LineInfo, err error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
if c.closed {
err = ErrClosed
if c.iw == nil {
err = c.createInfoWatcher()
if err != nil {
if c.options.abi == 1 {
li := uapi.LineInfo{Offset: uint32(offset)}
err = uapi.WatchLineInfo(c.f.Fd(), &li)
if err != nil {
c.ich[offset] = lich
info = newLineInfo(li)
li := uapi.LineInfoV2{Offset: uint32(offset)}
err = uapi.WatchLineInfoV2(c.f.Fd(), &li)
if err != nil {
c.ich[offset] = lich
info = newLineInfoV2(li)
// UnwatchLineInfo disables watching changes to line info.
// Requires Linux v5.7 or later.
func (c *Chip) UnwatchLineInfo(offset int) error {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
if c.closed {
return nil
delete(c.ich, offset)
return uapi.UnwatchLineInfo(c.f.Fd(), uint32(offset))
func (c *Chip) getLine(offsets []int, lro lineReqOptions) (uintptr, io.Closer, error) {
config, err := lro.toULineConfig()
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
lr := uapi.LineRequest{
Lines: uint32(len(offsets)),
Config: config,
copy(lr.Consumer[:len(lr.Consumer)-1], lro.consumer)
// copy(hr.Offsets[:], offsets) - with cast
for i, o := range offsets {
lr.Offsets[i] = uint32(o)
err = uapi.GetLine(c.f.Fd(), &lr)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
var w io.Closer
if lro.eh != nil {
w, err = newWatcher(lr.Fd, lro.eh)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
return uintptr(lr.Fd), w, nil
func (lc LineConfig) toHandleFlags() uapi.HandleFlag {
var flags uapi.HandleFlag
if lc.ActiveLow {
flags |= uapi.HandleRequestActiveLow
switch lc.Direction {
case LineDirectionOutput:
flags |= uapi.HandleRequestOutput
case LineDirectionInput:
flags |= uapi.HandleRequestInput
switch lc.Drive {
case LineDriveOpenDrain:
flags |= uapi.HandleRequestOpenDrain
case LineDriveOpenSource:
flags |= uapi.HandleRequestOpenSource
switch lc.Bias {
case LineBiasPullUp:
flags |= uapi.HandleRequestPullUp
case LineBiasPullDown:
flags |= uapi.HandleRequestPullDown
case LineBiasDisabled:
flags |= uapi.HandleRequestBiasDisable
return flags
func (lc LineConfig) toEventFlags() uapi.EventFlag {
switch lc.EdgeDetection {
case LineEdgeBoth:
return uapi.EventRequestBothEdges
case LineEdgeRising:
return uapi.EventRequestRisingEdge
case LineEdgeFalling:
return uapi.EventRequestFallingEdge
return 0
func (lc LineConfig) toLineFlagV2() (flags uapi.LineFlagV2) {
if lc.ActiveLow {
flags |= uapi.LineFlagV2ActiveLow
switch lc.Direction {
case LineDirectionOutput:
flags |= uapi.LineFlagV2Output
switch lc.Drive {
case LineDriveOpenDrain:
flags |= uapi.LineFlagV2OpenDrain
case LineDriveOpenSource:
flags |= uapi.LineFlagV2OpenSource
case LineDirectionInput:
flags |= uapi.LineFlagV2Input
if lc.EdgeDetection&LineEdgeRising != 0 {
flags |= uapi.LineFlagV2EdgeRising
if lc.EdgeDetection&LineEdgeFalling != 0 {
flags |= uapi.LineFlagV2EdgeFalling
if lc.EventClock == LineEventClockRealtime {
flags |= uapi.LineFlagV2EventClockRealtime
switch lc.Bias {
case LineBiasDisabled:
flags |= uapi.LineFlagV2BiasDisabled
case LineBiasPullUp:
flags |= uapi.LineFlagV2BiasPullUp
case LineBiasPullDown:
flags |= uapi.LineFlagV2BiasPullDown
func (lc LineConfig) toLineAttributes() (attrs []uapi.LineAttribute) {
flags := lc.toLineFlagV2()
attr := uapi.LineAttribute{}
if flags != 0 {
attr.Encode64(uapi.LineAttributeIDFlags, uint64(flags))
attrs = append(attrs, attr)
if lc.Debounced {
attr = uapi.DebouncePeriod(lc.DebouncePeriod).Encode()
attrs = append(attrs, attr)
func (lc LineConfig) v1Validate() error {
if lc.Debounced {
return ErrUapiIncompatibility{"debounce", 1}
if lc.EventClock != LineEventClockMonotonic {
return ErrUapiIncompatibility{"event clock", 1}
return nil
func (c *Chip) getEventRequest(offsets []int, lro lineReqOptions) (uintptr, io.Closer, error) {
var vfd uintptr
fds := make(map[int]int)
for i, o := range offsets {
er := uapi.EventRequest{
Offset: uint32(o),
HandleFlags: lro.defCfg.toHandleFlags(),
EventFlags: lro.defCfg.toEventFlags(),
copy(er.Consumer[:len(er.Consumer)-1], lro.consumer)
err := uapi.GetLineEvent(c.f.Fd(), &er)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
fd := uintptr(er.Fd)
if i == 0 {
vfd = fd
fds[int(fd)] = o
w, err := newWatcherV1(fds, lro.eh)
if err != nil {
for fd := range fds {
return 0, nil, err
return vfd, w, nil
func (c *Chip) getHandleRequest(offsets []int, lro lineReqOptions) (uintptr, error) {
hr := uapi.HandleRequest{
Lines: uint32(len(offsets)),
Flags: lro.defCfg.toHandleFlags(),
copy(hr.Consumer[:len(hr.Consumer)-1], lro.consumer)
// copy(hr.Offsets[:], offsets) - with cast
for i, o := range offsets {
hr.Offsets[i] = uint32(o)
for idx, offset := range lro.offsets {
hr.DefaultValues[idx] = uint8(lro.values[offset])
err := uapi.GetLineHandle(c.f.Fd(), &hr)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return uintptr(hr.Fd), nil
// UapiAbiVersion returns the version of the GPIO uAPI the chip is using.
func (c *Chip) UapiAbiVersion() int {
return c.options.abi
type baseLine struct {
offsets []int
vfd uintptr
isEvent bool
chip string
abi int
// mu covers all that follow - those above are immutable
mu sync.Mutex
values map[int]int
defCfg LineConfig
lineCfg map[int]*LineConfig
info []*LineInfo
closed bool
watcher io.Closer
// UapiAbiVersion returns the version of the GPIO uAPI the line is using.
func (l *baseLine) UapiAbiVersion() int {
return l.abi
// Chip returns the name of the chip from which the line was requested.
func (l *baseLine) Chip() string {
return l.chip
// Close releases all resources held by the requested line.
// Note that this includes waiting for any running event handler to return.
// As a consequence the Close must not be called from the context of the event
// handler - the Close should be called from a different goroutine.
func (l *baseLine) Close() error {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.closed {
return ErrClosed
l.closed = true
if l.watcher != nil {
if !l.isEvent { // isEvent => v1 => closed by watcher
return nil
// Reconfigure updates the configuration of the requested line(s).
// Configuration for options other than those passed in remain unchanged.
// Not valid for lines with edge detection enabled.
// Requires Linux v5.5 or later.
func (l *baseLine) Reconfigure(options ...LineConfigOption) error {
if l.isEvent {
return unix.EINVAL
if len(options) == 0 {
return nil
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.closed {
return ErrClosed
lro := lineReqOptions{
lineConfigOptions: lineConfigOptions{
offsets: l.offsets,
values: l.values,
defCfg: l.defCfg,
lineCfg: l.lineCfg,
for _, option := range options {
if l.abi == 1 {
err := lro.defCfg.v1Validate()
if err != nil {
return err
hc := uapi.HandleConfig{Flags: lro.defCfg.toHandleFlags()}
for idx, offset := range lro.offsets {
hc.DefaultValues[idx] = uint8(lro.values[offset])
err = uapi.SetLineConfig(l.vfd, &hc)
if err == nil {
l.defCfg = lro.defCfg
return err
config, err := lro.toULineConfig()
if err != nil {
return err
err = uapi.SetLineConfigV2(l.vfd, &config)
if err == nil {
l.defCfg = lro.defCfg
l.lineCfg = lro.lineCfg
return err
// Line represents a single requested line.
type Line struct {
// Offset returns the offset of the line within the chip.
func (l *Line) Offset() int {
return l.offsets[0]
// Info returns the information about the line.
func (l *Line) Info() (info LineInfo, err error) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.closed {
err = ErrClosed
if l.info != nil {
info = *l.info[0]
c, err := NewChip(l.chip, WithABIVersion(l.abi))
if err != nil {
defer c.Close()
inf, err := c.LineInfo(l.offsets[0])
if err != nil {
l.info = []*LineInfo{&inf}
info = *l.info[0]
// Value returns the current value (active state) of the line.
func (l *Line) Value() (int, error) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.closed {
return 0, ErrClosed
if l.abi == 1 {
hd := uapi.HandleData{}
err := uapi.GetLineValues(l.vfd, &hd)
return int(hd[0]), err
lv := uapi.LineValues{Mask: 1}
err := uapi.GetLineValuesV2(l.vfd, &lv)
return lv.Get(0), err
2024-06-15 13:58:47 +00:00
// SetValue sets the current value (active state) of the line.
// Only valid for output lines.
func (l *Line) SetValue(value int) error {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.defCfg.Direction != LineDirectionOutput {
return ErrPermissionDenied
if l.closed {
return ErrClosed
if l.abi == 1 {
hd := uapi.HandleData{}
hd[0] = uint8(value)
err := uapi.SetLineValues(l.vfd, hd)
if err == nil {
l.values[l.offsets[0]] = value
return err
lsv := uapi.LineValues{
Mask: 1,
Bits: uapi.NewLineBitmap(value),
err := uapi.SetLineValuesV2(l.vfd, lsv)
if err == nil {
l.values[l.offsets[0]] = value
return err
// Lines represents a collection of requested lines.
type Lines struct {
// Offsets returns the offsets of the lines within the chip.
func (l *Lines) Offsets() []int {
return l.offsets
// Info returns the information about the lines.
func (l *Lines) Info() ([]*LineInfo, error) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.closed {
return nil, ErrClosed
if l.info != nil {
return l.info, nil
c, err := NewChip(l.chip, WithABIVersion(l.abi))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer c.Close()
info := make([]*LineInfo, len(l.offsets))
for i, o := range l.offsets {
inf, err := c.LineInfo(o)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
info[i] = &inf
l.info = info
return l.info, nil
// Values returns the current values (active state) of the collection of lines.
// Gets as many values from the set, in order, as can be fit in values, up to
// the full set.
func (l *Lines) Values(values []int) error {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.closed {
return ErrClosed
lines := len(values)
if lines > len(l.offsets) {
lines = len(l.offsets)
if l.abi == 1 {
hd := uapi.HandleData{}
err := uapi.GetLineValues(l.vfd, &hd)
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < lines; i++ {
values[i] = int(hd[i])
return nil
lv := uapi.LineValues{Mask: uapi.NewLineBitMask(lines)}
err := uapi.GetLineValuesV2(l.vfd, &lv)
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < lines; i++ {
values[i] = lv.Get(i)
return nil
// SetValues sets the current active state of the collection of lines.
// Only valid for output lines.
// All lines in the set are set at once. If insufficient values are provided
// then the remaining lines are set to inactive. If too many values are provided
// then the surplus values are ignored.
func (l *Lines) SetValues(values []int) error {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.defCfg.Direction != LineDirectionOutput {
return ErrPermissionDenied
if l.closed {
return ErrClosed
if len(values) > len(l.offsets) {
values = values[:len(l.offsets)]
if l.abi == 1 {
hd := uapi.HandleData{}
for i, v := range values {
hd[i] = uint8(v)
err := uapi.SetLineValues(l.vfd, hd)
if err == nil {
for i, v := range values {
l.values[l.offsets[i]] = v
return err
lv := uapi.LineValues{
Mask: uapi.NewLineBitMask(len(l.offsets)),
Bits: uapi.NewLineBitmap(values...),
err := uapi.SetLineValuesV2(l.vfd, lv)
if err == nil {
for i, v := range values {
l.values[l.offsets[i]] = v
return err
// LineEventType indicates the type of change to the line active state.
// Note that for active low lines a low line level results in a high active
// state.
type LineEventType int
const (
_ LineEventType = iota
// LineEventRisingEdge indicates an inactive to active event.
// LineEventFallingEdge indicates an active to inactive event.
// LineEvent represents a change in the state of a line.
type LineEvent struct {
// The line offset within the GPIO chip.
Offset int
// Timestamp indicates the time the event was detected.
// The timestamp is intended for accurately measuring intervals between
// events. It is not guaranteed to be based on a particular clock. It has
// been based on CLOCK_REALTIME, but from Linux v5.7 it is based on
Timestamp time.Duration
// The type of state change event this structure represents.
Type LineEventType
// The seqno for this event in all events on all lines in this line request.
// Requires uAPI v2.
Seqno uint32
// The seqno for this event in all events in this line.
// Requires uAPI v2.
LineSeqno uint32
// LineInfoChangeEvent represents a change in the info a line.
type LineInfoChangeEvent struct {
// Info is the updated line info.
Info LineInfo
// Timestamp indicates the time the event was detected.
// The timestamp is intended for accurately measuring intervals between
// events. It is not guaranteed to be based on a particular clock, but from
// Linux v5.7 it is based on CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
Timestamp time.Duration
// The type of info change event this structure represents.
Type LineInfoChangeType
// LineInfoChangeType indicates the type of change to the line info.
type LineInfoChangeType int
const (
_ LineInfoChangeType = iota
// LineRequested indicates the line has been requested.
// LineReleased indicates the line has been released.
// LineReconfigured indicates the line configuration has changed.
// InfoChangeHandler is a receiver for line info change events.
type InfoChangeHandler func(LineInfoChangeEvent)
// IsChip checks if the named device is an accessible GPIO character device.
// Returns an error if not.
func IsChip(name string) error {
path := nameToPath(name)
fi, err := os.Lstat(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if fi.Mode()&os.ModeCharDevice == 0 {
return ErrNotCharacterDevice
sysfspath := fmt.Sprintf("/sys/bus/gpio/devices/%s/dev", fi.Name())
if err = unix.Access(sysfspath, unix.R_OK); err != nil {
return ErrNotCharacterDevice
sysfsf, err := os.Open(sysfspath)
if err != nil {
// changed since Access?
return ErrNotCharacterDevice
var sysfsdev [16]byte
n, err := sysfsf.Read(sysfsdev[:])
if err != nil || n <= 0 {
return ErrNotCharacterDevice
var stat unix.Stat_t
if err = unix.Lstat(path, &stat); err != nil {
return err
devstr := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", unix.Major(uint64(stat.Rdev)), unix.Minor(uint64(stat.Rdev)))
sysstr := string(sysfsdev[:n-1])
if devstr != sysstr {
return ErrNotCharacterDevice
return nil
// chipNames returns the name of potential gpiochips.
// Does not open them or check if they are valid.
func chipNames() []string {
ee, err := ioutil.ReadDir("/dev")
if err != nil {
return nil
cc := []string(nil)
for _, e := range ee {
name := e.Name()
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "gpiochip") {
cc = append(cc, name)
return cc
func nameToPath(name string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "/dev/") {
return name
return "/dev/" + name
var (
// ErrClosed indicates the chip or line has already been closed.
ErrClosed = errors.New("already closed")
// ErrConfigOverflow indicates the provided configuration is too complicated
// to be mapped to the kernel uAPI.
// Reduce the number of line options or split the request into multiple
// requests for smaller sets of lines.
ErrConfigOverflow = errors.New("configuration too complex to map to kernel uAPI")
// ErrInvalidOffset indicates a line offset is invalid.
ErrInvalidOffset = errors.New("invalid offset")
// ErrNotCharacterDevice indicates the device is not a character device.
ErrNotCharacterDevice = errors.New("not a character device")
// ErrPermissionDenied indicates caller does not have required permissions
// for the operation.
ErrPermissionDenied = errors.New("permission denied")
// ErrUapiIncompatibility indicates the feature is not supported by the given
// kernel uAPI version.
type ErrUapiIncompatibility struct {
Feature string
AbiVersion int
func (e ErrUapiIncompatibility) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s not available in kernel GPIO uAPI v%d", e.Feature, e.AbiVersion)