55 lines
1.3 KiB
55 lines
1.3 KiB
import re
from pprint import pprint
def load_rules(filename):
re_rule = re.compile(r"(?P<color>.+?) bags contain (?P<contained>.+)")
re_contents = re.compile(r"(?P<num_bags>\d+)\s+(?P<color>.+?)\s+bags?")
rules = {}
with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
for line in f:
m = re_rule.match(line.rstrip())
assert m, line
color = m.group("color")
contained = m.group("contained")
rules[color] = {}
if contained == "no other bags.":
m = re_contents.finditer(contained)
rules[color] = { x.group("color"): int(x.group("num_bags")) for x in m }
return rules
def what_can_hold(query_color, rules):
for outer_color, outer_contents in rules.items():
if not outer_contents:
for inner_color, num_bags in outer_contents.items():
if inner_color == query_color:
yield outer_color
yield from what_can_hold(outer_color, rules)
def bag_contains(query_color, rules):
rule = rules[query_color]
if not rule:
return 0
x = 0
for color, multiplier in rule.items():
x += multiplier * (bag_contains(color, rules) + 1)
return x
rules = load_rules("data.txt")
wch = set(what_can_hold("shiny gold", rules))
print(f"Shiny gold can be held by {len(wch)} bag colors.")
bc = bag_contains("shiny gold", rules)
print(f"A single shiny gold bag requires {bc} individual bags.")